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Subject: Recommendation of CAP 1.0 Committee Draft

Karl/Jamie: included are the necessary items required to submit the CAP  
1.0 Committee Draft forward as an OASIS Standard. The desire to move  
CAP forward was captured in a ballot  

1. Specification: a file named emergency-CAP-1.0.pdf contains the  
Committee Draft, which is accessible from the public website document  

2. Summary of Spec: The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) is a simple but  
general format for exchanging all-hazard emergency alerts and public  
warnings over all kinds of networks.  CAP allows a consistent  
warningmessage to be disseminated simultaneously over many different  
warning systems, thus increasing warning effectiveness while  
simplifying the warning task.  CAP also facilitates the detection  
ofemerging patterns in local warnings of various kinds, such as might  
indicate an undetected hazard or hostile act.  And CAP provides a  
template for effective warning messages based on bestpractices  
identified in academic research and real-world experience.

3. Relationship to Similar Work: per a TC discussion on 2004.02.10  
there are no known efforts working on this type of standard, however we  
will continue to interact with groups that do have efforts in the  
general "family" of emergency management.

4. Certification of Use: PPW  
the U.S. Department of the Interior  
and the Disaster Management Interoperability Services  
member organizations have certified their use of CAP 1.0.

5. Comments/Issues Resolutions: a spreadsheet  
5012/CAP%20Issues%20List.xls) that contains each of the issues and  
their resolution is available to the OASIS General Membership in Kavi.

6. Vote Approving Final Draft: the results of this vote was captured in  
the 2004.02.10 minutes  

7. Pointer to Prior Votes: these are  
(Vote for 0.9a to be 1.0 Committee Spec),  
(Vote to submit CAP 1.0 Committee Spec to OASIS for Public Review), and  
two, including a Ballot, to move CAP 1.0 Committee Spec, after edits,  
forward to OASIS Standard:

+ http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200402/msg00001.html

8. Pointer to Public Comments: these are as follows...

EM TC List:

EM TC Comment List:

MSG SC List:



9. Statement from Chair Certifying Members Provided IPR Policy: As  
Chair, I certify that the membership has been provided the OASIS IPR  

10. Minority Reports: the following represent the minority reports  
provided by members on the specification. 3 of which are in a Ballot,  
so if they need to be copied and sent to the list for referencing,  
please let me know.




* http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200401/msg00016.html

I think that is everything! Please let me know if you need anything  
else, and we look forward to hearing the results of this process from  
the greater OASIS membership - Allen

R. Allen Wyke
Chair, OASIS Emergency Management TC

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