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Subject: Re: [emergency] EDXL Definition and Mission

Thanks Gary,

This will help me greatly in my tasks.


At 12:47 PM -0500 12/21/04, Ham, Gary A wrote:
>My thoughts:
>What is EDXL?
>*	Acronym for Emergency Data Exchange Language
>*	An emerging set of National Incident Management System (NIMS)
>compliant messaging data structures for use in emergency information
>*	Sponsored by Industry - Emergency Interoperability Consortium
>(EIC) and the ComCARE Alliance
>*	Facilitated by Government - Department of Homeland Security
>(DHS) Disaster Management Program)
>*	Vetted and standardized by the Organization for Advancement of
>Structured Information standards (OASIS) though its Emergency Management
>Technical Committee (EM-TC)
>What is EDXL Distribution?
>*	"Distribution" is the first EDXL submission by the EIC/DHS
>collaboration to OASIS.
>*	Its mission is categorization, message routing, and
>identification of information content within a geographic area of
>*	It is not concerned with information content details. Content
>will be the subject of future efforts of the EDXL development process.
>EDXL Distribution Core Content
>*	Message Identification
>*	Reference Information
>*	Message Content Identification
>*	Message Categorization
>*	Intended Recipient Identification
>*	Geographic area of interest
>Gary A. Ham
>Senior Research Scientist
>Battelle Memorial Institute
>540-288-5611 (office)
>703-869-6241 (cell)
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