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emergency message

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Subject: Re: [emergency] New Prospects for the New Year

Hi Eliot,

I hope this is an occasion from your viewpoint for congratulations 
more than commiseration. I'm sure we all hope your path finds its way 
back to working with us. Please make sure you send us your new email 
address, at the least, so we can stay in touch. I guarantee some of 
us of will be anxious to recruit you one way or another.

Best of luck,

At 5:40 AM -0500 12/15/05, Eliot Christian wrote:
>I wish to announce that I am retiring from the U.S. Federal 
>Government on December 31, 2005. Although I do not yet know what I 
>will do next, I remain concerned about public warning and I hope to 
>contribute what I can.
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Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-849-2309

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