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Subject: RE: [emergency] Handling Default ValueLists


Could you point me at an example schema that does this?



Office: 315-838-2669

Cell: 703-595-9375



From: Ron Lake [mailto:rlake@galdosinc.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 4:11 PM
To: McGarry, Donald P.; Lee Tincher; emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [emergency] Handling Default ValueLists




The way that “value lists” are starting to be handled in GML communities (e.g. AIXM, CityGML etc) is to use a registry as part of the specification.  This holds the value list, is subject to specific access control rules, but can be extended without re-writing the specification.





From: McGarry, Donald P. [mailto:dmcgarry@mitre.org]
Sent: November-24-10 6:12 AM
To: Lee Tincher; emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [emergency] Handling Default ValueLists


I agree…I forgot to mention this in my note, but I am of the opinion that “IF we can enforce it in the schema we SHOULD”



Office: 315-838-2669

Cell: 703-595-9375



From: Lee Tincher [mailto:ltincher@evotecinc.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 8:53 AM
To: McGarry, Donald P.; emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [emergency] Handling Default ValueLists


My 2 cents:  In order to “tightly bind a standard” I believe we should lean toward Option 2.   We have seen abuse of the more open options in things like <parameter> in CAP and it has caused a great deal of confusion in the community….so even though Option 2 does add to the complexity I think the pay-off of tightly defining the usage is well worth it….





Those who cannot hear an angry shout may strain to hear a whisper - Leonard Nimoy


From: McGarry, Donald P. [mailto:dmcgarry@mitre.org]
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 8:41 AM
To: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [emergency] Handling Default ValueLists



I spent some time this morning trying to figure out how to “do” default valuelists in our schemas.  It seems like there are two options that I could figure out and we need to make a decision as a TC how to approach this…


What we “want” to do is to have a ValueList type in a schema and assign default values to it.

Take “DistributionType” in DE 2.0 as an example…

You can do 1 or 2:

1.       Use your own ValueList

2.       Use the default ValueList

a.       A default ValueListURI is declared

b.      An enumeration is declared that is binded to that ValueListURI with the values you can choose from

The problem is that the mechanism to do defaults and restrictions in schemas will allow you to create a restriction on the valuelist type that will default the ValueListURI, but not have a default enumeration, only a value, this doesn’t allow you to do #1.  The other problem is that with a default URI and a  don’t strongly bind to other another…i.e. I can choose the


Option 1: Just define default valuelists in an xml file that we include with the schema & define the default ValueListURI to match the xml file URI and keep the “Values” types as string


·         Doesn’t add more complexity to schema

·         Developers can just parse the file and use it

·         In some ways more simple (if you ignore the cons)


·         Not strongly typed – i.e. someone can use the default ValueListURI and put invalid values in

·         Not enforced in the schema – i.e. if someone does do the bullet above, it will validate to the schema

·         Requires an additional file to be distributed with the schema

·         Requires additional and very specific documentation

·         A new “concept”

·         Requires someone to actually read the documentation ;-)


Option 2: Define the default valuelist as a strongly typed restriction on the ValueList type, add a choice or abstraction to the schema for elements with a default ValueList that allows for developers to either use the default or their own valuelist


·         Strongly typed

·         Enforced in the schema

·         Default values will be read in with the schema

·         Single-file solution

·         Matches how KML/GML seem to do things

·         Re-uses existing schema concepts

·         Doesn’t require “conformance” / “business rule” documentation


·         More complexity in the schema

·         Adds a choice or a layer of abstraction

·         Could be considered more complicated on the surface






Don McGarry
The MITRE Corp.
(315) 838-2669 Office
(703) 595-9375 Cell



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