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Subject: CAP Implementation Workshop



I am happy to report that FEMA is going to provide an international number for dial-in access to the CAP Implementation Workshop in Geneva April 6-7.  We will have limited lines (15), so I am not posting the number and details to the list or in Kavi.  I will be attending the conference in person (as well as a few other EM-TC members) and will first secure the access from there and then the other 14 lines will be allowed as listen only.  We may have to work through the FEMA operator for each dial in.  If you would like to attend, please send me an email and I will provide details as they are available.  The conference times are 3AM-noon EDT 4/6&7.  Details for the workshop can be found at http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/ISS/Meetings/WIS-CAP_Geneva2011/DocPlan.html


We will also have the line for the following day 4/8 when we are planning a CAP Profiles Subcommittee call.  The time for that call has not been determined.  I anticipate having any follow-on meetings with persons present in the morning (Geneva time) and the Profiles SC meeting in the late morning or early afternoon.  If you plan to participate in this call and have a time preference, please reply. 




Elysa Jones, Chair





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