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Subject: RE: [emergency-rim] Today's schedule--What should we do, or not do?
Hi Everyone,
I saw where Werner and I responded to Don's message yesterday, but I
didn't see any others. so I am asking if we want to cancel today's RIM
SC meeting, given that we are likely to suspend meetings until we have
Extensions settled.
One thing I don't want to do is to have RIM SC become a problem for the
work of getting Extensions settled, DE 2.0 and SitRep 1.0 back on track.
So I will call in only to pass this along.
However, we should choose a day and a time to meet. Think we probably
want to hold off until Elysa is back from the CAP Workshop so she can
chair these special TC meetings.
Rex Brooks
1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Phone: 510-898-0670
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