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Subject: Open Smart Grid Reference Model standardization at OASIS - webinar Friday September 30 Noon EDT

All --

This is an interesting and useful approach - I urge everyone who can to participate; even if it's not your cup of tea, it proposes work on a useful framework for tying the smart grid together, and is suited for a world-wide set of stakeholders.  (based on the draft charter from a few months ago).

You can help make this even more useful by commenting on the charter now.

This is a webinar, so you click the registration link at  https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/408277849 .


William Cox
Email: wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
Web: http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
+1 862 485 3696 mobile
+1 908 277 3460 fax

On 9/28/11 2:36 PM, Carol Geyer wrote:
A proposal is underway to develop an Open Smart Grid Reference Model
(OpenSGRM) at OASIS. The goal of OpenSGRM is to speed the introduction
of new technology and the design of relevant solution architectures
for smart grid by drawing together a common set of services and
interactions in the electric power supply information chain.

To further this aim, an OASIS TC is being formed to identify use cases
and define available industry-wide open models. The Committee will
publish an open Smart Grid Reference Model that professionals in
multiple information chain roles may use to quantify technical
complexity, determine business need, and thereafter identify,
encapsulate and widely reuse commonly-recurring data services and

In preparation to launch this project, OASIS is hosting an informal
webinar with a select group of interested parties on Friday, 30 Sept,
at noon ET. The webinar will be led by Tony Giroti, CEO of Bridge
Energy, and Chet Geschickter, Senior Analyst, Smart Grid for Green
Tech Media Research. It will be an interactive discussion to:
- explain where OpenSGRM fits in the SmartGrid standards landscape
- discuss the draft charter
- vet ideas for fine-tuning the project
- gauge industry support for the effort
- learn how to be recognized as an OpenSGRM Proposer

If you would like to review the draft charter, please contact me.

If you are able to join this webinar, please RSVP at:

If you are unable to join the webinar but would like to be included in
the OpenSGRM planning--or would simply like more information--please
let me know.

We look forward to briefing you on the project, and we welcome your feedback.


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