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energyinterop message

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Subject: Re: [energyinterop] Call for agenda items - February 15 meeting

A meeting is not necessary this month; I'll cancel it in the OASIS system.

Keep issues in mind for the March meeting - I'll start the discussion 10 days before the meeting.


William Cox
Email: wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
Web: http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
+1 862 485 3696 mobile
+1 908 277 3460 fax

On 2/13/12 6:25 PM, William Cox wrote:
The "executive committee" has met, and we have no specific items for this week.

If you have an agenda item please send it to the chairs by mid-afternoon Tuesday; we'll then decide whether we need a meeting this month.

I expect as the OpenADR Alliance continues work on their profile and transport binding that we'll have issues from them, but more likely at the March meeting.

Other news in the next email.


William Cox
Email: wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
Web: http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
+1 862 485 3696 mobile
+1 908 277 3460 fax

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