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Subject: Preparation for May 13 meeting

Toby's uploaded Working Draft 4 of the Common Transactive Services specification. You should have seen the notices with links included.

The PDF is the latest revision ; if you have detailed suggestions please download the DOCX and edit, or describe comments using the continuous line numbers in the PDF.

This is our major agenda item for May 13, concentrating on sections 1-3. Since the XML schemas have evolved, and the UML needs to, there's less need to concentrate on Section 4 and later, but comments are always welcome.

The other agenda item, after action item review, is the Privacy section for our next working draft.




William CoxÂ

Email: wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.comÂ

Web: http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.comÂ

+1 862 485 3696 mobile

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