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entity-resolution message

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Subject: Re: New draft published: 27 Apr 2001

| | That means it could appear in the middle of the internal subset.  I
| | thought we said it had to appear before the doctype decl, if any.
| | (And if we do that, that obviates the need for the second bullet.)
| I have mixed feelings about this. I don't see why we can't allow it
| after the doctype declaration. It just won't have any effect on
| retrieval of the DTD if it occurs after, but it might allow you to
| retrieve common entity sets. But I don't feel strongly.

Now I think I do. I've looked over the SAX API again and I don't see
how the processor can tell when the <!DOCTYPE declaration has been

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM   | So, are you working on finding that bug now,
XML Standards Engineer | or are you leaving it until later? Yes.
Technology Dev. Group  | 
Sun Microsystems, Inc. | 

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