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Subject: OASIS Copyright issue

I'm helping James get up and running with DocBook for the RELAX NG
(formerly TREX) TC and he pointed out that my copyright notice is
probably wrong.  I'm sure I just grabbed it from some old spec.

It currently reads:

<para>Permission to reproduce parts or all of this information in any form
is granted to OASIS members provided that this information by itself is not
sold for profit and that OASIS is credited as the author of this information.

Karl, is there an official notice we should be using?

Can we remove the phrase "to OASIS members" and simply say:

  Permission to reproduce parts or all of this information in any form
  is granted provided that this information by itself is not sold for
  profit and that OASIS is credited as the author of this information.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM   | The perfect man has no method; or rather the
XML Standards Engineer | best of methods, which is the method of
Technology Dev. Group  | no-method.--Shih-T'ao
Sun Microsystems, Inc. | 

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