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Subject: Re: Is prefer useful?

/ Rob Lugt <roblugt@elcel.com> was heard to say:
| I have been trying to imagine a reason why I would ever want to code
| prefer='system' in my catalogs, and can't come up with one.  Is it
| superfluous?

Perhaps. In XML systems it's hard to imagine using it very often.

1. It makes conversion of TR9401 catalogs easier
2. It makes XML Catalogs easier to use with SGML systems
3. Delegate discards the system identifier, so XML Catalogs are sometimes
   searched with only a public identifier.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM   | We learn from experience that not everything
XML Standards Engineer | which is incredible is untrue.--Cardinal De
Technology Dev. Group  | Retz
Sun Microsystems, Inc. | 

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