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Subject: Press Release to Announce Approval of Secure QR Code Authentication v1.0 as OASIS Standard

Dear ESATÂTCÂMembers,
OASIS is in the process ofÂdrafting aÂpressÂrelease in anticipation of the approval ofÂSecure QR Code Authorization Version 1 as an OASIS Standard.ÂWe have targeted Thursday, 13 October, for press release distribution.

While OASIS deeply appreciates the contributions of all members, only Foundational andÂSponsorÂmembers elect to receive promotional benefits such as quote inclusion in announcements directed to theÂpress
The subhead of theÂpressÂreleaseÂwill highlight:
If you represent one of the above organizations, and you do *not* wish to be included in theÂpressÂrelease, please notify me ASAP.

--Please note quote deadline is Thursday, 6 October.--
Foundational andÂSponsorÂmembers participating in the ESATÂTCÂmay submit aÂquoteÂ(75 words or fewer) that will be featured in the body of theÂpressÂrelease
Please emailÂquotesÂto me, including the name and title of the person at your organization to whom theÂquoteÂcan be attributed.

If you represent a Contributor-level member, and you wish to be recognized as a leader in the ESATÂTC'sÂwork, please contact me for information on changing your membership level to take advantage of this promotional benefit. (The duesÂincrease would be pro-rated based upon your renewal date.)

Feel free to contact me directly with any questions.Â

Best regards,
Mary Beth



Content Manager


+1.781.425.5073 (main) / +1.781.569.5114 (direct)

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