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Subject: Re: Release of Functional Elements Compliant Reference Implementation by SIMTech

     Thank you for this notice.  Congratulations to the TC and SIMTech on 
this achievement, and on the continuing maturity of the specification and 
surrounding work.  As I've discussed with some, we hope to see the TC place 
this specification into an official public review to obtain additional 
     I do want to caution you about having the TC officially use the phrase 
"reference implementation".  At OASIS we generally do not officially confer 
such a designation, because it may be taken to mean both that a specific 
implementation is itself fully conformant, and is a baseline for compliance 
that other users should employ to determine conformance.
     Of course, we *do* support (and strongly encourage) work to support 
conformance and interoperability for adopted specifications.  I have no 
doubt that the SIMTech work will be highly relevant to this.  However, at 
OASIS we use some specific methods intended to give meaning to conformance 
claims.  I am copying my colleague Andy Moir here, who is responsible for 
our adoption services programs and can provide more information about 
this.   Of course, SimTECH is welcome to make whatever representations 
about the functionality of its software or materials that it  wishes;   our 
concerns at OASIS are limited to when a body makes assertions specifically 
about an OASIS approved specification.
     I have joined the SimTECH site login, and now am reviewing the work 
there with great interest.   While I have not read the entire suite yet, at 
first read I am very impressed with the effort and results 
achieved.   Again, congratulations.  FWSI TC has continued productively to 
build very useful and interesting practical work;  the support and 
implementation supplied by JSSL is admirable and tremendously 
appreciated.  We wish you the best of success with your upcoming meeting in 
     Regards  JBC

~   James Bryce Clark
~   Director, Standards Development, OASIS
~   jamie.clark@oasis-open.org

At 08:57 PM 3/16/2005, Tan Puay Siew wrote:
>Hi All
>SIMTech is please to announce that a Reference Implementation that is 
>compliant to the Functional Elements Specification version 1.0 (Committee 
>Specifications of FWSI TC) has been released on 16 March 2005. The name of 
>this reference implementation is Web Services Component Suite (WSCS). More 
>information and downloads are available at http://www.jssl.org.
>~Puay Siew~
>Web Services Programme (formerly JSSL)
>Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech)

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