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humanmarkup-comment message

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Subject: RE: [huml-comment] Human Markup Language 1.0 considered harmful

The author of the blog would do well to consider 
how a very large percentage of the forms filled 
out for everyday transactions includes a field 
for "race".  We did have a thread early on in 
the development of the primary considering this 
term which is normal for everyday communications 
but contentious in some scientific fields, particularly, 
anthropology.   A "race" classification is easily 
discernible but sometimes inaccurate.   As such, 
while it can be used in a codelist, interpretations 
of the value have to be left to the user of the 
term in the derived secondary.  


From: Dennis E. Hamilton [mailto:dennis.hamilton@acm.org]

But, given the document at face value, I am concerned that the assertion of
"nothing taken for granted" and self-assertion as a test of humanity are at
best ingenuous.  My demonstration is the supposition of "race" as a physical
characteristic.  And that it be describable (I hesitate to use the notion of
description at all here) by a code.

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