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Subject: Draft Minutes of ICOM TC Meeting, February 3, 2010

Minutes of ICOM TC Meeting, February 3, taken by Eric S. Chan




1.   Roll Call

2.   Approve draft minutes from Dec 16, Jan 6, and Jan 20 TC Meetings

3.   Discuss the RDF representation of Groups and Membership for Project WBS

4.   Discuss the mapping of bonds to RDF properties

5.   AOB


1. The following eligible members were present


Patrick Durusau

Marc Pallot

Eric Chan


2. Approve draft minutes from Dec 16, Jan 6, and Jan 20 TC Meetings


The draft minutes were approved.


3. Discuss the RDF representation of Groups and Membership for Project WBS


The WBS use case employs the hierarchical structuring of ICOM spaces to represent the division of projects into subprojects, work packages, and tasks. The hierarchical structuring of spaces is just one of many possible structures needed for diverse use cases. The TC envisions for ICOM to support arbitrary, flexible structures not only among the spaces but also among containers and a mix of entities. Bonds (n-ary relationships) are important extensibility mechanism in ICOM.


The TC meeting participants observed that the ICOM Bond can be defined isomorphic to rdf:Statement. RDF provides rdf:Statement, the reification vocabulary, to recast a set of RDF triples in an n-ary relation as a resource that has the properties rdf:subject, rdf:predicate, and rdf:object, and any additional properties, including the attribution, annotation, and provenance information. For the isomorphic UML model of Bond, we define the attributes subject, predicate, and objects as shown in Figure 1.



Figure 1  Bond has subject, predicate, objects

Participants contemplated to define ICOM Bond as a subclass of rdf:Statement. The following examples show how the triples comprising the n-ary relations can be recast by reification statements. In Figure 2, we defined the project hierarchy in RDF using RDF properties “hasSubUnit” to relate the project unit with the subunits.


WPS Graph.jpg

Figure 2  Basic RDF model of Project Hierarchy

Triples for the n-ary relation between Project and (SP1, SP2)


Project          hasSubUnit          SP1

Project          hasSubUnit          SP2


can be reified by the following resource:


Project-SubUnit          rdf:type                   rdf:Statement

Project-SubUnit          rdf:subject             Project

Project-SubUnit          rdf:predicate         hasSubUnit

Project-SubUnit          rdf:object               SP1

Project-SubUnit          rdf:object               SP2


ICOM can specify the rule for assigning a name to the reification resource, for example one possible rule is to concatenate the names of the subject “Project” and predicate “hasSubUnit” to get “Project-SubUnit”, stripping off “has” and “is” from the predicate.


In Figure 3 below, the RDF model from Figure 2 is extended with the reification statements. The reification statements Project-SubUnit and SP1-SubUnit are instances of Bond.  In ICOM, Bond is defined as a subclass of Entity. In RDF representation, Bond is defined as a subclass of rdf:Statement as well as a subclass of Entity.


Graph 1.jpg

Figure 3 Extending the RDF Model with Reification Statements

The reification resources in Figure 3 can be mapped to the Bond objects in the UML model of Figure 4.


Project Work Packages.jpg

Figure 4  UML Model of Project Hierarchy


The UML model of Bond uses BondEntityRelation to hold the annotations for the subject and objects of the bond.



Figure 5  UML Composite Diagram for Bond


4. Discuss the mapping of bonds to RDF properties


The UML to RDF mapping rules for Bond would include


1.       asserting the RDF triples to relate the subject of the bond with each of the objects in the bond

2.       adding a reification statement to represent the bond in RDF


When transforming from RDF representation to UML representation of ICOM, the mapping rules for Bond would include


1.       adding an RDF reification statement for each of the n-ary relations that are not part of the ICOM vocabulary

2.       translating the reification statements to instances of Bond in UML


5. AOB


Patrick Durusau recommended for the TC to begin documenting the draft specification according to the OASIS specification templates. Eric concurred with Patrick, stating that the TC can begin drafting the specification of high-level model (core) and the UML/RDF representations (foundation). Additional focus areas of the ICOM (specialized Folders and Artifacts) can be added to the draft specification as modules.


Marc, Deirdre, and Eric had submitted proposals to present at Semantic Technology Conference 2010, June 21-25, in San Francisco. Eric proposed to organize the face-to-face TC Meeting in Oracle conference center around that time.


The TC Meeting was adjourned.


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