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Subject: RE: [imi] Token profile issue with AppliesTo and AudienceRestriction

David Chadwick wrote on 2009-12-15:
> In this case if an RP is saying that it requests a token with an
> AppliesTo, one has to assume that this means the RP wont accept ie. risk
> trusting, a token that does not contain an AudienceRestriction. Thus the
> latter should be mandatory, if requested, since if the RP is not
> bothered either way, it need not ask for the appliesTo. Making the
> AudienceRestriction optional negates the purpose of the RP asking for it

It actually goes further than that. Formally, the WST is from the *client*,
not the RP. The IMI profile includes the (mostly unused) option of an RP/STS
injecting content into the RST using a template (the notion you're
describing). But the protocol flow is that the client is requesting the
token, so it's conceptually *my* requirement as the user, not the RP's.

All of which is to say that's even worse practice to violate the user's
wishes than the RP's.

-- Scott

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