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Subject: Groups - KMIP TC weekly concall modified

hi -

i'm traveling this week, so Subhash will lead our Thursday call -- a quick
update on the status of the ballots for Committee Spec (started on Monday)
and OASIS standard (hopefully started today...).



Ps: please note the webex info is new as of last week.

 -- Mr. Robert Griffin

KMIP TC weekly concall has been modified by Mr. Robert Griffin

Date:  Thursday, 10 June 2010
Time:  11:00am - 12:00pm ET

Event Description:
Call-in information: 

US toll-free: 1-866-880-0098 
passcode: 4290558 

please see below for international numbers. 

Chat room 

Walt Hubis has invited you to present an online meeting using Microsoft Office Live Meeting.


Meeting ID: S2KCR7
Presenter Entry Code: keymaster

Meeting time: Jun 3, 2010 8:00 AM (PDT)   (Recurring) 

Add to my Outlook Calendar:


International numbers: 
AUSTRALIA 61-2-8205-8112 1-800-993-862 
AUSTRIA 43-1-92-80-300 0800-005-021 
BELGIUM 32-2-403-1046 0800-4-9973 
BRAZIL 0800-8911984 
CHINA* 10800-712-1297 10800-120-1297 
CZECH REPUBLIC 420-2-25-98-56-50 
DENMARK 45-7014-0272 8088-6034 
FINLAND 358-106-33-144 0-800-1-13087 
FRANCE 33-1-70-70-74-23 080-510-1037 
GERMANY 49-69-2222-7803 0800-000-3329 
GREECE 30-80-1-100-0679 00800-12-6966 
HONG KONG 852-2286-5648 800-930-448 
HUNGARY 06-800-17997 
INDIA 000-800-852-1233 
INDONESIA 001-803-011-3784 
IRELAND 353-1-431-9704 1800-932-283 
ISRAEL 1-80-9214889 
ITALY 39-02-3600-6514 800-986-561 
JAPAN 81-3-5539-5170 00531-12-1856 
LUXEMBOURG 352-27-000-1356 
MALAYSIA 1-800-80-2416 
NETHERLANDS 31-20-718-8514 0800-023-4634 
NEW ZEALAND 64-9-970-4754 0800-446-325 
NORWAY 47-21-59-00-55 800-10261 
POLAND 00-800-1212014 
PORTUGAL 8008-15383 
RUSSIA 8-10-8002-0174011 
SINGAPORE 65-6883-9214 800-120-4339 
SOUTH AFRICA 080-09-98814 
SOUTH KOREA 82-2-6744-1068 00798-14800-6850 
SPAIN 34-91-414-29-41 800-098-586 
SWEDEN 46-8-505-78-551 0200-890-174 
SWITZERLAND 41-44-580-7530 0800-001-062 
TAIWAN 886-2-2795-7364 00801-137-709 
THAILAND 001-800-1206-65646 
UNITED KINGDOM 44-20-7108-6316 0800-376-8335


KMIP TC weekly concall

1 Opening remarks/roll call
2 Approval of the agenda
3 Approval of previous meeting minutes
4 Review of action items (list from web site)
5 Old Business
- status of ballots for Committee Specification and OASIS Standard
6 New Business
7 Review New Action Items
8 Adjournment


This event is one in a list of recurring events.
Other event dates in this series:

Thursday, 11 February 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 18 February 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 25 February 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 11 March 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 18 March 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 25 March 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 01 April 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 08 April 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 15 April 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 22 April 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 29 April 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 06 May 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 13 May 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 20 May 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 27 May 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 03 June 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 17 June 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 24 June 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Thursday, 01 July 2010, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET

View event details:

PLEASE NOTE:  If the above link does not work for you, your email
application may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to
copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web

PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN
X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar
SUMMARY:KMIP TC weekly concall
DESCRIPTION:Call-in information: \n\nUS toll-free: 1-866-880-0098 \npasscode:
  4290558 \n\nplease see below for international numbers. \n\n\nChat
  room \nhttp://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/kmip \n\nWalt Hubis has
  invited you to present an online meeting using Microsoft Office Live
  ID: S2KCR7\nPresenter Entry Code: keymaster\n\nMeeting time: Jun 3\,
  2010 8:00 AM (PDT)   (Recurring) \n\nAdd to my Outlook
  numbers: \nAUSTRALIA 61-2-8205-8112 1-800-993-862 \nAUSTRIA
  43-1-92-80-300 0800-005-021 \nBELGIUM 32-2-403-1046 0800-4-9973
  \nBRAZIL 0800-8911984 \nCHINA* 10800-712-1297 10800-120-1297 \nCZECH
  REPUBLIC 420-2-25-98-56-50 \nDENMARK 45-7014-0272 8088-6034 \nFINLAND
  358-106-33-144 0-800-1-13087 \nFRANCE 33-1-70-70-74-23 080-510-1037
  \nGERMANY 49-69-2222-7803 0800-000-3329 \nGREECE 30-80-1-100-0679
  00800-12-6966 \nHONG KONG 852-2286-5648 800-930-448 \nHUNGARY
  06-800-17997 \nINDIA 000-800-852-1233 \nINDONESIA 001-803-011-3784
  \nIRELAND 353-1-431-9704 1800-932-283 \nISRAEL 1-80-9214889 \nITALY
  39-02-3600-6514 800-986-561 \nJAPAN 81-3-5539-5170 00531-12-1856
  \nLUXEMBOURG 352-27-000-1356 \nMALAYSIA 1-800-80-2416 \nNETHERLANDS
  31-20-718-8514 0800-023-4634 \nNEW ZEALAND 64-9-970-4754 0800-446-325
  \nNORWAY 47-21-59-00-55 800-10261 \nPOLAND 00-800-1212014 \nPORTUGAL
  8008-15383 \nRUSSIA 8-10-8002-0174011 \nSINGAPORE 65-6883-9214
  800-120-4339 \nSOUTH AFRICA 080-09-98814 \nSOUTH KOREA 82-2-6744-1068
  00798-14800-6850 \nSPAIN 34-91-414-29-41 800-098-586 \nSWEDEN
  46-8-505-78-551 0200-890-174 \nSWITZERLAND 41-44-580-7530 0800-001-062
  \nTAIWAN 886-2-2795-7364 00801-137-709 \nTHAILAND 001-800-1206-65646
  \nUNITED KINGDOM 44-20-7108-6316 0800-376-8335\n\nGroup: OASIS Key
  Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) TC\nCreator: Mr. Robert

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