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Subject: Cryptsoft interop details

[ information details already provided to other interop team members ]

The Cryptsoft KMIP server supports the following use cases:

3.1.1   - Create / Destroy
3.1.2   - Register / Create / Get attributes / Destroy
3.1.3   - Create / Locate / Get / Destroy
3.1.4   - Dual client use-case, ID Placeholder linked Locate & Get batch
3.1.5   - Register / Destroy Secret Data
3.2     - Asynchronous Locate
4.1     - Revoke scenario
5.1     - Get usage allocation scenario
6.1     - Import of a Third-party Key
7.1     - Unrecognized Message Extension with Criticality Indicator false
7.2     - Unrecognized Message Extension with Criticality Indicator true
12.1    - Query, Maximum Response Size

The server produces responses in line with the current use case document as of 

The Cryptsoft KMIP client supports all the use cases along with additional 
functionality beyond those listed in the use case document.



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