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Subject: Groups - Note from the European Legislation Identifier Taskforce to the LegalCiteM Technical Committee.docx uploaded

Submitter's message
Hello, Everyone!

We will meet tomorrow for our last meeting before Summer Holiday break. I hope everyone can join. We have an important agenda (see below).

Please PLEASE please try to review the 2-page attachment ("Note from the European Legislation Identifier Taskforce to the LegalCiteM Technical Committee") so that we can address it (Agenda item 3).

1. Information on the face-to-face meeting at Rutgers on July 20, 2015
2. OASIS Distinguished Contributor Award 2015: Monica Palmirani
3. ELI Taskforce Note to LegalCiteM Technical Committee
4. Scheduling of next meeting

Thank you,
Melanie Knapp

-- Melanie Knapp
Document Name: Note from the European Legislation Identifier Taskforce to the LegalCiteM Technical Committee.docx

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Submitter: Melanie Knapp
Group: OASIS Legal Citation Markup (LegalCiteM) TC
Folder: Documents
Date submitted: 2015-07-14 06:34:42

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