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Subject: Call in 20 minutes

Hi All,

We meet in 20 minutes by phone. Here is an Agenda:

1. Minutes and Chat transcripts, status

2. Need for a Committee Secretary

3. Need for a Committee Co-chair to replace Melanie Knapp beginning October, 2016

4. Fabio's JSON generator (below)

5. Outstanding questions, examples, use cases, and other member-generated agenda items.

Thank you,

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-----Original Message-----
From: legalcitem@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:legalcitem@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Fabio Vitali
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 4:35 AM
To: legalcitem@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [legalcitem] Automatic generator for LegalCiteM JSON structures

Dear all, 

I prepared a quick and dirty generator of JSON structures for LegalCiteM references. You can find it at: 


To use it on your own, go to the above link, then select "File > Make a Copy..." and save it as your own sheet. 

I made two examples (scroll down to see the second one), but you can create as many as you want by coping/pasting the example block as many times as you want. 

With respect to the syntax I shared before there is a visible difference: associated to the feature name you do not find the double array anymore 

>       "language": [
>           [ "en", "eng", "English" ],
>           [ "en-us", "American English" ]
>         ]

but an object with more complete specification of the feature values with (optional) indication of author and confidence level: 

>       "language": {
>         "confidence": 0.9,
>         "author": "John Smith",
>         "values": [
>           [ "en", "eng", "English" ],
>           [ "en-us", "American English" ]
>         ]
>       }

This is to support the requirement to provide for a confidence level in the specification of features in the interpretation frame, so that even dubious specifications can be provided. 

Should we decide that we do not actually need a confidence level, I can go back to the old syntax in no time. 

One more detail: I made some tests with an alternative syntax that details frame and FRBR level for each feature rather than group them in clusters. You can find it in the tab called "Second Syntax" in the bottom of the page. The information content and the correctness of the JSON are identical in both syntaxes. 

On Wednesday's call we could discuss if we like the first or the second syntax best. Or a third one, if you have different ideas. Creating one syntax or another is a matter of minutes, and I can modify it while you wait. 




Fabio Vitali                                          The sage and the fool
Dept. of Informatics                                     go to their graves
Univ. of Bologna  ITALY                               alike in this respect:
phone:  +39 051 2094872                  both believe the sage to be a fool.
e-mail: fabio@cs.unibo.it                  Where, then, may wisdom be found?
http://vitali.web.cs.unibo.it/   Qi, "Neither Yes nor No", The codeless code

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