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Subject: Maternity Leave

Hi LegalCiteM Committee Members,

Claire Rosemary Knapp was born very early Saturday morning, happy and healthy, 7 pounds. We are both great.

I'm now going to be on leave until January 3. I will participate with this Committee as much as possible, but I will step back from co-chair duties. 

John Joergensen has agreed to help maintain our OASIS website, by adding the meeting dates, etc. 

John Heywood has agree to serve as our representative to LegalXML-SC (budget stuff). If his vote is final, I hope that Monica and John H can work together to make that transition official with LegalXML-SC and the OASIS staff (I believe Scott McGrath needs to be notified at OASIS).

I attempted to request our starter document last week, but I'm not sure I was successful. I will work with Fabio and Chet Ensign at OASIS to get that straightened out so that we can move forward drafting our technical proposal.

Thank you for all your support. 


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