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Subject: Re: [legalruleml] [XML] source example

Tara thanks a lot.
It seems to me a great improvement.
See my comments in the text, just for refining the proposal.

Il 09/05/2012 08:59, Tara Athan ha scritto:
Attached and below is a possible representation of an example with
defeasible rules and referencing of sources.
I have used to some extent Attempto Controlled English (ACE) and the
tools published at http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/site/

I have not used the full translation from ACE into RuleML that is
available, in principle, from tools such as
http://www.ruleml.org/translator/ (which is not working now because of
changes in the ACE webservice API). However, we may need to use such a
translation as the examples become more realistic. The Discourse
Representation Structure (DRS) which is obtained from ACE expressions
uses an approach that relies on existential quantification to glue
together complex grammatical structures. When these existentials
appear in the head they move the expressivity beyond Horn Logic, and
may increase the complexity of reasoning. On the other hand they
assist in cross-referencing. For example, when someone violates a
norm, then in DRS an existentially quantified variable denotes the
violation, and this violation can become a term in other expressions.

I have a few general recommendations:
1. when referencing an attribute value that was define as an attribute
with values of datatype xs:ID (usually named "id" or something
similar), then using an attribute (usually named something like
"idref") with values of datatype xs:IDREF allows validators to check
that the values are actually defined as a value of some @id attribute
in the document as well as checking that id values are not duplicated.
*** totally agree, even if some time it is possible to have a pointer to
an external xml file so I usually use xs:anyURI type for permitting the
link to external resources (e.g.
http//monica.palmirani/legalruleml-kb.xml#ID30 in order to not repeat
the references block)
2. Data - such as numerical values, dateTimes, character sequences for
someones name may be constrained with built-in xsd datatypes, or
user-defined restrictions of them, using the xsi:type attribute, but
only if the data appears as simple content inside an element. It the
data is in an attribute value, it can only be datatyped from the
schema and this is less amenable to user extension.
*** we need to analyse the temporal aspects scenario, the event and the
interval: sometime we have a fixed dataTime, other time we have temporal
parameters like "6 months from the date of enter into force" that are
dynamically calculated by the engine. In principle I like to use
xs:datatime for punctual dataTime event.
3. Local constants, such as <Ind>a</Ind> are useful as parameters
whose values can be assigned, and modified, from metadata. I have
repurposed the source metadata element to provide such a parameter
value assignment.
*** It is ok for me. I would like to evaluate better this point with
other examples where we have obligations. Moreover I would like to see
if it is possible to associate not only the rules but also the body,
head, atoms using a different granularity of association between sources
and fragment of the rule.
4. The @node attribute on RuleML Node elements provides a mechanism
for assigning IRIs as labels to propositions and similar reified
RuleML entities. The @node attribute must have non-repeating values,
similar to @id attributes. To reference an IRI created using the @node
attribute, it is recommended to use @iri, for IRIs when possible.
*** ok

5. I have done my best to comply with the guidelines to separate
medata from the rules and formulas. To this end, I have not included
any attributes on the rules pointing back to metadata identifiers. To
allow N:M association,  the @iri element on <ruleInfo> is replaced
with an @applysTo, which is allowed to contain a list of IRIs,
separated by whitespace.
*** to use a list of values inside of an attribute separated by
whitespace is one of the possible technique, but the side effect is to
complicate an xPath query like "give me all the ruleInfo concerning the
node="#art2-rule2", expecially if you have in this list of values
#art2-rule2 #art2-rule22 #art22-rule2, I need to use contains() function
and to elaborate it.
6. I have moved the point at which sources are referenced from the
<Atom> wrapper element inward to the terms where the reference would
appear in a natural language (ACE) expression, allowing greater
specificity of reference as well as facilitating the construction of
complex expressions with multiple references and multiple free variables.
7. Whenever a free variable appears in an element that is referenced
by its @node value, it must be referenced as a function, with
arguments providing the substitutions for free variables, in
lexicographic order of the variable names. Because the representation
of the referenced text is unknown, we can't provide in this example
the proper arguments that establish the links between the individuals
mentioned in the two texts.

8. I have included comments in the attached XML text to help explain
the examples.

9. Establishing a naming convention for IDs, IRIs, variables and local
constants will help make the examples more readable. I have made a
preliminary attempt, further suggestions are welcome.
*** I totally agree.

Associate professor of Legal Informatics
School of Law
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
C.I.R.S.F.I.D. http://www.cirsfid.unibo.it/
Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3
Tel +39 051 277217
Fax +39 051 260782
E-mail  monica.palmirani@unibo.it

5 per mille all'Università di Bologna - C.F.: 80007010376

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