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legalxml-courtfiling message

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Subject: [legalxml-courtfiling] Formal membership of the OASIS Court Filing TC

I attach a list of all of the persons who have contacted me to inquire
about membership in the new OASIS Court Filing TC or to formally express
interest in joining the TC.  In some cases, a third party has informed
me of someone else's membership desire.  In some additional cases, I
have included "alternates" for the official member.  I have also
included a couple of names of persons who have requested to be observers
at the first meeting.

In keeping with one of our core principles, I have made every effort to
be "over inclusive" in creating this list so that everyone on it has a
chance to participate in the TC from the beginning.

The list contains 48 names and email addresses.

Robin Gibson -- Please compare this list with your list of planned
attendees in Salt Lake and let me know if there are others I need to

I am sending this list to OASIS.  Scott McGrath will review it to make
sure that all persons on it are OASIS members and qualified for
membership on the TC.

This is the list to which I will post formal announcements about the
first meeting of the Technical Committee on June 20th and 21st and all
future meetings.

Please review the list to make sure you are on it if you want to be.

Let me know as well if you are on it and want to be removed.  Let me be
clear -- persons may participate in the Salt Lake City meeting without
being a member; I have included names of persons on this list who have
asked to observe so that they have an opportunity to change their minds
about joining, or to complete the membership process at OASIS.  The
opportunity to observe extends only to the physical meeting in Salt
Lake.  We will not have sufficient space on the Lexis telephone bridge
to accommodate any observers.

Please also alert me to any misspellings or other problems with the way
in which I may have entered your name on the list.

I look forward to working with you on this new Technical Committee.

John M. Greacen
Greacen Associates, LLC.
18 Fairly Road
Santa Fe, NM  87507

Attachment: OASIS Legal XML Member Section Court Filing Technical Committee.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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