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legalxml-courtfiling message

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Subject: Re: [legalxml-courtfiling] Strawman non-repudiation issues

Non-repudiation, in the sense meant so far on Blue, means that the recipient of a message is provided with some mechanism to prove, at some later time, that the message originated with a holder of a private key that matches the public key of some entity certified by a CA to be the holder of same.  (Whew.)  In less obtuse terms, the recipient can later prove that a particular sender did in fact send a message with the specified contents.  This is presumably a requirement for Blue (at least for some messages), no?

XML Signature (a part of WS-Security and therefore the WS-I Basic Security Profile) accomplishes this, does it not?

To address your example, I don't think we had envisioned clerks or judges denying having sent messages...the primary use case is allowing the court (clerk) to have proof that a particular filer did in fact send a (filing) message.  Although filers may want the same assurance on messages coming the other way as well.

A larger issue of non-repudiation (that was once raised but not resolved on the requirements subcommittee) is that XML Signature does not deal with non-repudiation of attachments, which for the short term at least will be the significant part of the "payload" (at least in the WS-* profile.)

> The strawman suggests that message non-repudiation might be provided by WSS.
> The WSS SOAP message security 1.0 indicates that (excuse the double
> negative) non-repudiation is a "non-goal". It is particularly not clear to
> me how proof can be provided back to the sender with WSS.
> What threat scenarios is the message non-repudation services to protect
> against?
> For example is a court considered to be an irrefutable source? If so would
> non-repudiation protection against later denial by the court representatives
> the clerk and judge be appropriate? (Excuse any inappropriate thinking from
> a security technician).
> The message reciepts Court and sealing could have a role in providing a form
> of non-repudiation relating to court submissions but it is not clear how
> this fits in with the requirements.
> Nick
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