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Subject: RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Conditionals in message structure specifications

I understand your concern with our current approach.  However, I think the second approach introduces too much complexity, particularly with combinations of conditions.  For instance, what if we have multiple intersecting conditions, each with their own conditional elements - such as 1. a new case and 2. a criminal case.  Using the second approach, this results in a geometric increase in the number of separate use cases (e.g. Review Filing - New Case - Criminal Case).  I prefer our current approach, although it is simplistic.

From: Scott Came [mailto:scott@justiceintegration.com]
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 2:46 PM
To: legalxml-courtfiling@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [legalxml-courtfiling] Conditionals in message structure specifications

In the current specification strawman, a number of conditionals exist in the definitions of message structures.

For example, at line 107, the strawman states, "If the filing is into an existing case, the Review Filing message MUST include: (list of elements follows)".

Later this week, our domain modeling session will attempt to formalize the structure of these messages.  We will do so by representing the structures in UML static structure (class) diagrams.  These diagrams do not naturally allow for expression of these kinds of conditional statements.

There are two approaches we could take.  I'd like to know which is preferred by the TC.

1.  We could include all possible information in the model of the message structure.  Then, the model is supplemented by prose text that describes the conditional rules.

2.  We could actually separate the message structure into several, corresponding to the conditionals.  For instance, the structure for a filing into an existing case would be called something like "Review Filing Message, Existing Case".  It would reuse the structure (probably via inheritance) from the basic Review Filing message, and would add the additional content.

#1 is closest to the current expression in the strawman.

#2 will allow our message structures to be a little cleaner and easier to consume by implementers (in my opinion.)  Also, for the web services messaging profile, we will wind up with WSDL documents that more cleanly define the MDE interfaces.  We will represent the business rules to a certain extent in the interfaces themselves, which reduces the risk of incompatible implementations of the over-arching "umbrella" service.  This would in turn improve interoperability.  However, #2 results in a more precise but also more complex MDE interface.

I think #1 and #2 are a wash in terms of spec authoring effort and time.

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