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legalxml-courtfiling message

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Subject: Spreadsheets for Friday a.m. Court Filing discussion

(See attached file: NeedsResolution.html)(See attached file:

These are the lists Tom Carlson prepared that we will be discussing.


Robin Gibson
Information Technology Division
Office of State Courts Administrator
Title: Needs Resolution

Needs Resolution Summary

Needs Resolution (#NR): These are cases that still need to be resolved, often definitions that just don't match. This also includes definitions that are strange, mappings that are strange, and anything else that's strange.

  1. #NR Debtor: taxID
    #CM Is Debtor: taxID mapped to the GJXDM?
  2. #NR PersonInformation: raceCode
    #CM The definition for raceCode is certainly more detailed, but is it any better? Does the definition need to define race?
  3. #NR WeightMeasureType:
    #CM This usage differs from the GJXDM WeightMeasureType.
  4. #NR HeightMeasureType:
    #CM This usage differs from the GJXDM HeightMeasureType.
  5. #NR Defendant: defendantNumber
    #CM In the GJXDM, there's been talk about adding a sequence number, for things that need to be in a certain order. Is that what we're doing here? Defendant #1, defendant #2, etc?
  6. #NR Defendant: federalBureauOfInvestigationNumber
    #CM The GJXDM PersonFBIID is explicitly an AFIS. Is Defendant: federalBureauOfInvestigationNumber the same?
  7. #NR Charge: chargeEnhancingAllegationChargeDescriptionText
    #CM The wording is a little different, with the GJXDM talking about the statue and ECF talking about the charge, which is a violation of the statute. I'm not sure if this is significant or not.
  8. #NR Charge: chargeEnhancingAllegationTypeCode
    #CM Why not map Charge: chargeEnhancingAllegationTypeCode to ChargeSpecialAllegationText?
  9. #NR Charge: specialAllegation
    #CM I'm not sure this is the right mapping. ChargeSpecialAllegationText has a specific purpose. It's not a general catch-all detail element.
  10. #NR DriversLicense: driversLicenseCommercialClassCode
    #CM Why not map driversLicenseCommercialClassCode to DriverLicenseCommercialClassCode?
  11. #NR FingerprintSet: classification
    #CM If the "other method" allowed by the ECF definition isn't textual, then the instance will break. Maybe this isn't a real problem, since the formatting is defined by the GJXDM mapping.
  12. #NR Image: imageSize
    #CM I have no idea why kilobytes was chosen over bytes. Bytes are better defined, no thanks to hard drive manufacturers. (1kb = 1024bytes, but hard drive folks try to sell 1kb = 1000bytes, so their drives sound bigger.) But changing the GJXDM definition would change its meaning.
  13. #NR ExtendedPersonInformation: DriversLicense
    #CM Why not map ExtendedPersonInformation: DriversLicense to an existing GJXDM element? (Making sure we use the one that's not deprecated.
  14. #NR ScarsMarksTattoos: scarsMarksTattoosText
    #CM An ideal definition would be a combination of both GJXDM and ECF here. ECF might limit too much, but GJXDM provides little info.
  15. #NR DNADetail: dnaLocusType
    #CM ECF definition is better. Are the allowable values universal in scale, so that they should be included in the GJXDM?
  16. #NR FeesCalculationResponseMessage: filingFee
    #CM Why is FeesCalculationResponseMessage: filingFee not mapped to one of the GJXDM fee objects?
  17. #NR CaseListQueryMessage: caseTypeCode
    #CM Just checking that the GJXDM's CaseCategoryText doesn't fit here.
  18. #NR CaseListQueryMessage: CaseParticipant
    #CM This may be a typo. CaseListQueryMessage: CaseParticipant is mapped to CaseListQueryCaseParticipant in the GJXDM instead of just CaseParticipant. I think it's just a missing slash.
  19. #NR MatchingCase: caseTypeCode
    #CM Again, does the GJXDM's CaseCategoryText meet this need?
  20. #NR MatchingCase: shortCaseTitle
    #CM Why not CaseTitleTest? Same definition.
  21. #NR MatchingCase: caseStatus
    #CM Why not just StatusDescriptionText in the context of a CaseStatus?
  22. #NR MatchingCase: personName
    #CM Is there a reason to not use the person structure under CaseParticipants? I guess the use of personRelationshipToCaseTypeCode in the next element does this. This is actually good as it more closely matches what GJXDM 3.1 will look like.
  23. #NR CaseInformation: caseTypeCode
    #CM Once again, how is this different from GJXDM's CaseCategoryText?
  24. #NR CaseInformation: CaseParticipant
    #CM The mapping for CaseInformation: CaseParticipant doesn't work. The GJXDM element is a structure containing multiple person objects. The ECF element is one of the objects.
  25. #NR CaseDocketEntry: docketEntryID
    #CM Should map all the way to ActivityID/ID
  26. #NR CaseParticipant:
    #CM Doesn't match the GJXDM CaseParticipants. GJXDM is a structure containing person objects, not a person object itself.
  27. #NR Act: actSequenceNumber
    #CM Needs to map to ActivityID/ID
  28. #NR JuvenileArrest: Booking
    #CM These two definitions for Booking are different enough that we should have a law enforcement domain expert look at these and decide.
  29. #NR Booking:
    #CM Refer to law enforcement domain expert.
  30. #NR Juvenile: gangAffiliation
    #CM ECF use doesn't match GJXDM use. If this is merely an indicator, then make a PersonGangAffiliationIndicator?
  31. #NR OrganizationPlacement:
    #CM GJXDM naming convention would call this PlacementOrganizationType.
  32. #NR PersonPacement:
    #CM Typo, should be PersonPlacement
  33. #NR Placement: placementStartDate
    #CM Should this use GJXDM ActivityDate? Depends on what Placement is derived from.
  34. #NR AddressType:
    #CM The definitions are quite different, with the GJXDM limited to a mailing address. Other sorts of addresses would be locations, I think. It might just be that the mapping is off. ECF "Type" as used here isn't the same as GJXDM "Type" as used here.
  35. #NR Case: Alias
    #CM This element name seems wonky. It's not the Alias of the Case, so why "CaseAlias?" Should be mapped to PersonAlias, with a new OrganizationAlias created for organizations? Or maybe I just parsed something wrong.
  36. #NR CaseOrigin: originatingOrganizationName
    #CM Is this mapped correctly? We're mapping a name to a textual description of a type of ID?
  37. #NR CaseOrigin: caseTitle
    #CM Is this really the short title? It's not using the same naming conventions as previous short title elements.
  38. #NR DocumentMetadata: documentTypeCode
    #CM Wrong definition? Wrong mapping? I'm really confused all around on this one.
  39. #NR DocumentMetadata: fileSize
    #CM Bytes vs. kbytes. I'd prefer bytes, but kbytes already in use.
  40. #NR Organization: ContactInformation
    #CM The best definition for GJXDM use would combine the ECF and GJXDM.
  41. #NR Alias: alternateName
    #CM Why not mapped to PersonAlias.PesonName?
  42. #NR PhoneNumberType:
    #CM Mapping is off. TelephoneNumberType isn't a type of number. It's a data type. Probably need a new GJXDM element.
  43. #NR ReviewFilingMessage: submissionDate
    #CM Submission inherits from ActivityType, so should map to ActivityDate.
  44. #NR ReviewFilingMessage: submissionTime
    #CM Submission inherits from ActivityType, so should map to ActivityTime.
  45. #NR Citation: timeOfViolation
    #CM ECF definition doesn't match. It's violation vs. issued. This is when issued. Looks strange compared to dateOfViolation, which is when violation occurs.
  46. #NR Citation: correctableOffenseIndicator
    #CM Is faulty equipment the only way a citation can be dismissed? Implies traffic as well, precluding GJXDM use.
  47. #NR Citation: correctableOffenseText
    #CM Is faulty equipment the only way a citation can be dismissed? Implies traffic as well, precluding GJXDM use.
  48. #NR DrivingIncident: fatalInjuryIndicator
    #CM Not mapped to anything. I'm guessing it also uses DrivingIncident/DrivingAccidentSeverityCode, with the fatal code?
  49. #NR DrivingIncident: Vehicle
    #CM IncidentInvolvedProperty specifically includes vehicles driven as part of an incident.
  50. #NR Vehicle: vehicleModel
    #CM This mapping isn't exactly right. It needs to be some element of VehicleStyleCode. VehicleModelCode is a model, like the 318ti in BMW 318ti, while the style would be hatchback, 2-door (2H).
  51. #NR Offender: bloodAlcoholContentNumber
    #CM Why not mapped to ArrestBloodAlcoholContentNumberText? Just due to the type?

Definition Details for Needs Resolution

Details for #NR Debtor: taxID

#NR Debtor: taxID
#CM Is Debtor: taxID mapped to the GJXDM[CU1] ?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The social security number or federal employer identifier number used by  the person or organization for tax filings.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR PersonInformation: raceCode

#NR PersonInformation: raceCode
#CM The definition for raceCode is certainly more detailed, but is it any better? Does the definition need to define race?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        A designation by the FBI categorizing individuals by physical characteristics.  (e.g., American Indian [CU2] or Alaskan native, Asian or Pacific Islander, Black, White, Unknown).
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
        A code identifying the race of a person.
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A code identifying the race of a person.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               PersonPhysicalDetails: A set of details about the physical appearance of a person.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A code identifying the race of a person.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               PersonPhysicalDetails: A set of details about the physical appearance of a person.
Contextual Definition:
        inherited from PersonType

Details for #NR WeightMeasureType:

#NR WeightMeasureType: 
#CM This usage [CU3] differs from the GJXDM WeightMeasureType.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Whether weight is measured in pounds (0) or kilograms (1).
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A structure that describes a representation of the measurement of a weight.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR HeightMeasureType:

#NR HeightMeasureType: 
#CM This usage differs from the GJXDM HeightMeasureType.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Whether height is measured in inches (0) or centimeters (1).
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Defendant: defendantNumber

#NR Defendant: defendantNumber
#CM In the GJXDM, there's been talk about adding a sequence number, for things that need to be in a certain [CU4] order. Is that what we're doing here? Defendant #1, defendant #2, etc?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Sequential Number assigned to each Defendant.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
        "Information about an identifier with a type that is not explicitly defined in the standard that refers to a person within a certain domain, e.g., state ID cards or other non-license and non-fingerprint based IDs."
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A value that identifies an entity within the identifier domain.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               PersonAssignedIDDetails: A set of details about identifications issued to a person.
               PersonOtherID: Information about an identifier with a type that is not explicitly defined in the standard that refers to a person within a certain domain, e.g., state ID cards or other non-license and non-fingerprint based IDs.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A value that identifies an entity within the identifier domain.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Person: Describes inherent and frequently associated characteristics of a person.
               PersonAssignedIDDetails: A set of details about identifications issued to a person.
               PersonOtherID: Information about an identifier with a type that is not explicitly defined in the standard that refers to a person within a certain domain, e.g., state ID cards or other non-license and non-fingerprint based IDs.
Contextual Definition:
        use IDTypeText='defendantNumber'

Details for #NR Defendant: federalBureauOfInvestigationNumber

#NR Defendant: federalBureauOfInvestigationNumber
#CM The GJXDM PersonFBIID is explicitly an AFIS. Is Defendant: federalBureauOfInvestigationNumber the same?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Unique number assigned by the FBI to identify a subject. Ex.    617523A1, 14579A, etc.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A value that identifies an entity within the identifier domain.[CU5] 
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               PersonAssignedIDDetails: A set of details about identifications issued to a person.
               PersonFBIID: A number issued by the FBI's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) based on submitted fingerprints.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A value that identifies an entity within the identifier domain.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Person: Describes inherent and frequently associated characteristics of a person.
               PersonAssignedIDDetails: A set of details about identifications issued to a person.
               PersonFBIID: A number issued by the FBI's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) based on submitted fingerprints.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Charge: chargeEnhancingAllegationChargeDescriptionText

#NR Charge: chargeEnhancingAllegationChargeDescriptionText
#CM The wording is a little different, with the GJXDM talking about the statue and ECF talking about the charge, which is a violation of the statute. I'm not sure if this is significant or not.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Title or description of the specific charge.[CU6] 
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A description of a statute.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               ChargeClassification: Details that further describes and classifies a charge.
               ChargeEnhancingAllegationCharge: A formal allegation, contained in at least one charging instrument, that a defendant has violated a statute and/or ordinance in association with an incident.
               ChargeStatute: A unique identifier of a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction that a person is accused of violating.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A description of a statute.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Charge: Details about a formal allegation that a specific person has committed a specific offense.
               ChargeClassification: Details that further describes and classifies a charge.
               ChargeEnhancingAllegationCharge: A formal allegation, contained in at least one charging instrument, that a defendant has violated a statute and/or ordinance in association with an incident.
               ChargeStatute: A unique identifier of a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction that a person is accused of violating.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Charge: chargeEnhancingAllegationTypeCode

#NR Charge: chargeEnhancingAllegationTypeCode
#CM Why not map Charge: chargeEnhancingAllegationTypeCode to ChargeSpecialAllegationText?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Code describing the type of charge enhancement allegation.  Example:  amount of drugs, amount of [CU7] money, possession of weapon.  Allowable values defined in Court Policy.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               ChargeClassification: Details that further describes and classifies a charge.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Charge: Details about a formal allegation that a specific person has committed a specific offense.
               ChargeClassification: Details that further describes and classifies a charge.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Charge: specialAllegation

#NR Charge: specialAllegation
#CM I'm not sure this is the right mapping. ChargeSpecialAllegationText has a specific purpose. It's not a general catch-all detail element.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Free form text describing the details of the charge allegation.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A factor that has enhanced a charge, making it a more serious offense.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               ChargeClassification: Details that further describes and classifies a charge.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A factor that has enhanced a charge, making it a more serious offense.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Charge: Details about a formal allegation that a specific person has committed a specific offense.
               ChargeClassification: Details that further describes and classifies a charge.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR DriversLicense: driversLicenseCommercialClassCode

#NR DriversLicense: driversLicenseCommercialClassCode
#CM Why not map driversLicenseCommercialClassCode to DriverLicenseCommercialClassCode?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        A code indicating the class of driving privilege authorized by the license.  Allowable values set forth in Court Policy. 
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               DriverAuthorization: Details about an authorization issued to a driver granting driving privileges.
Contextual Definition:
        of TextType

Details for #NR FingerprintSet: classification

#NR FingerprintSet: classification
#CM If the "other method" allowed by the ECF definition isn't textual, then the instance will break. Maybe this isn't a real problem, since the formatting is defined by the GJXDM mapping.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The full 10-print fingerprint classification by “Henry” or other method.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A textual representation of the value of a biometric.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A textual representation of the value of a biometric.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Image: imageSize

#NR Image: imageSize
#CM I have no idea why kilobytes was chosen over bytes. Bytes are better defined, no thanks to hard drive manufacturers. (1kb = 1024bytes, but hard drive folks try to sell 1kb = 1000bytes, so their drives sound bigger.) But changing the GJXDM definition would change its meaning.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Size of the image, in bytes.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A size of a binary object in kilobytes.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A size of a binary object in kilobytes.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Image: Details about a representation of an image encoded for XML.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR ExtendedPersonInformation: DriversLicense

#NR ExtendedPersonInformation: DriversLicense
#CM Why not map ExtendedPersonInformation: DriversLicense to an existing GJXDM element? (Making sure we use the one that's not deprecated.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Information about a license issued by a state or federal entity authorizing operation of a motor vehicle on public streets and highways.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Person: Describes inherent and frequently associated characteristics of a person.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR ScarsMarksTattoos: scarsMarksTattoosText

#NR ScarsMarksTattoos: scarsMarksTattoosText
#CM An ideal definition would be a combination of both GJXDM and ECF here. ECF might limit too much, but GJXDM provides little info.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Plain English descriptions of scars, marks and tattoos.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A description of a physical feature.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A description of a physical feature.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR DNADetail: dnaLocusType

#NR DNADetail: dnaLocusType
#CM ECF definition is better. Are the allowable values universal in scale, so that they should be included in the GJXDM?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The location within a strand of DNA that a value was determined. Allowable values: Amelogenin, D5S818, CSF1PO, D7S820, D13S317, D8S1179, D16S539, FGA, D18S51, TH01, D21S11, TPOX, D3S1358, vWA
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        The location within a strand of DNA that a value was determined.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               DNALocus: Location specific information regarding a person's DNA.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        The location within a strand of DNA that a value was determined.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               DNALocus: Location specific information regarding a person's DNA.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR FeesCalculationResponseMessage: filingFee

#NR FeesCalculationResponseMessage: filingFee
#CM Why is FeesCalculationResponseMessage: filingFee not mapped to one of the GJXDM fee objects?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        A fee or price required to submit a document.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR CaseListQueryMessage: caseTypeCode

#NR CaseListQueryMessage: caseTypeCode
#CM Just checking that the GJXDM's CaseCategoryText doesn't fit here.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The classification used by a court to denote the type of case for purposes of statistical categorization, court record keeping, or case assignment.  Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               CaseClassification: A classification or categorization of a case.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Case: An aggregation of information, in any format, that describes a set of related activities and occurrences. The domain or discipline defines the limits of the information included in a specific kind of case. Case is not limited to any particular discipline or domain, and can relate a wide range of areas: a situation requiring investigation or action (as by the police); the object of investigation or consideration; an instance of disease or injury; an instance that directs attention to a situation or exhibits it in action; a set of circumstances or a state of affairs; a situation; a question or problem; a matter; an action or a law suit or just grounds for an action; the facts or evidence offered in support of a claim; a set of reasons or supporting facts; a person being assisted, treated, or studied, as by a physician, lawyer, or social worker.
               CaseClassification: A classification or categorization of a case.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR CaseListQueryMessage: CaseParticipant

#NR CaseListQueryMessage: CaseParticipant
#CM This may be a typo. CaseListQueryMessage: CaseParticipant is mapped to CaseListQueryCaseParticipant in the GJXDM instead of just CaseParticipant. I think it's just a missing slash.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Structure containing information about a case participant.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR MatchingCase: caseTypeCode

#NR MatchingCase: caseTypeCode
#CM Again, does the GJXDM's CaseCategoryText meet this need?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The classification used by a court to denote the type of case for purposes of statistical categorization, court record keeping, or case assignment.  Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               CaseClassification: A classification or categorization of a case.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               CaseClassification: A classification or categorization of a case.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR MatchingCase: shortCaseTitle

#NR MatchingCase: shortCaseTitle
#CM Why not CaseTitleTest? Same definition.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        An official name of a Case.  No title exists when the message is initiating a new case.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR MatchingCase: caseStatus

#NR MatchingCase: caseStatus
#CM Why not just StatusDescriptionText in the context of a CaseStatus?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The status of the case as of the date of inquiry.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               CaseStatus: A status of a case.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               CaseStatus: A status of a case.
Contextual Definition:
        Details about a status of an Case or process.

Details for #NR MatchingCase: personName

#NR MatchingCase: personName
#CM Is there a reason to not use the person structure under CaseParticipants? I guess the use of personRelationshipToCaseTypeCode in the next element does this. This is actually good as it more closely matches what GJXDM 3.1 will look like.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Name of a person.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR CaseInformation: caseTypeCode

#NR CaseInformation: caseTypeCode
#CM Once again, how is this different from GJXDM's CaseCategoryText?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The classification used by a court to denote the type of case for purposes of statistical categorization, court record keeping, or case assignment.  Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               CaseClassification: A classification or categorization of a case.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Case: An aggregation of information, in any format, that describes a set of related activities and occurrences. The domain or discipline defines the limits of the information included in a specific kind of case. Case is not limited to any particular discipline or domain, and can relate a wide range of areas: a situation requiring investigation or action (as by the police); the object of investigation or consideration; an instance of disease or injury; an instance that directs attention to a situation or exhibits it in action; a set of circumstances or a state of affairs; a situation; a question or problem; a matter; an action or a law suit or just grounds for an action; the facts or evidence offered in support of a claim; a set of reasons or supporting facts; a person being assisted, treated, or studied, as by a physician, lawyer, or social worker.
               CaseClassification: A classification or categorization of a case.
Contextual Definition:
        "Same as ""Case"" object."

Details for #NR CaseInformation: CaseParticipant

#NR CaseInformation: CaseParticipant
#CM The mapping for CaseInformation: CaseParticipant doesn't work. The GJXDM element is a structure containing multiple person objects. The ECF element is one of the objects.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Structure containing information about a case participant.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Details about the participants involved in a court case
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Details about the participants involved in a court case
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Case: An aggregation of information, in any format, that describes a set of related activities and occurrences. The domain or discipline defines the limits of the information included in a specific kind of case. Case is not limited to any particular discipline or domain, and can relate a wide range of areas: a situation requiring investigation or action (as by the police); the object of investigation or consideration; an instance of disease or injury; an instance that directs attention to a situation or exhibits it in action; a set of circumstances or a state of affairs; a situation; a question or problem; a matter; an action or a law suit or just grounds for an action; the facts or evidence offered in support of a claim; a set of reasons or supporting facts; a person being assisted, treated, or studied, as by a physician, lawyer, or social worker.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR CaseDocketEntry: docketEntryID

#NR CaseDocketEntry: docketEntryID
#CM Should map all the way to ActivityID/ID
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        ID to uniquely identify docket entry within the case and court.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        An identifier that uniquely refers to an activity or process that occurred.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               CaseCourtEvent: A court occurrence. It generally refers to an appearance (Appearance, Arraignment, Findings, Sentencing, etc.) but may include clerical events such as filing an affidavit or cash register events.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        An identifier that uniquely refers to an activity or process that occurred.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Case: An aggregation of information, in any format, that describes a set of related activities and occurrences. The domain or discipline defines the limits of the information included in a specific kind of case. Case is not limited to any particular discipline or domain, and can relate a wide range of areas: a situation requiring investigation or action (as by the police); the object of investigation or consideration; an instance of disease or injury; an instance that directs attention to a situation or exhibits it in action; a set of circumstances or a state of affairs; a situation; a question or problem; a matter; an action or a law suit or just grounds for an action; the facts or evidence offered in support of a claim; a set of reasons or supporting facts; a person being assisted, treated, or studied, as by a physician, lawyer, or social worker.
               CaseCourtEvent: A court occurrence. It generally refers to an appearance (Appearance, Arraignment, Findings, Sentencing, etc.) but may include clerical events such as filing an affidavit or cash register events.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR CaseParticipant:

#NR CaseParticipant: 
#CM Doesn't match the GJXDM CaseParticipants. GJXDM is a structure containing person objects, not a person object itself.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Structure containing information about a case participant.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Act: actSequenceNumber

#NR Act: actSequenceNumber
#CM Needs to map to ActivityID/ID
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The order in which this charge appears in a listing of multiple charges against the same juvenile. Example: Ordering charges in descending order of seriousness so that a case management application can identify the most serious charge.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        An identifier that uniquely refers to an activity or process that occurred.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        An identifier that uniquely refers to an activity or process that occurred.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Incident: Details about a criminal or non-criminal activity that occurred.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR JuvenileArrest: Booking

#NR JuvenileArrest: Booking
#CM These two definitions for Booking are different enough that we should have a law enforcement domain expert look at these and decide.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The process by which an arrest is formally recorded by a law enforcement agency at the time a person is jailed or released on bond or personal recognizance.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Details about an administrative step taken after an arrested subject is brought to a police station or detention facility, which involves entry of the subject's name and other relevant facts on the police "blotter", and which may also include photographing, fingerprinting, and the like. 
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Details about an administrative step taken after an arrested subject is brought to a police station or detention facility, which involves entry of the subject's name and other relevant facts on the police "blotter", and which may also include photographing, fingerprinting, and the like. 
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Arrest: Details about the apprehension of a subject by a peace official based on an observed or a reported violation of a law or ordinance, an outstanding arrest warrant, or probable cause information. 
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Booking:

#NR Booking: 
#CM Refer to law enforcement domain expert.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The process by which an arrest is formally recorded by a law enforcement agency at the time a person is jailed or released on bond or personal recognizance.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A structure that describes details about an administrative step taken after an arrest subject is brought to a police station or detention facility.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A structure that describes details about an administrative step taken after an arrest subject is brought to a police station or detention facility.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Juvenile: gangAffiliation

#NR Juvenile: gangAffiliation
#CM ECF use doesn't match GJXDM use. If this is merely an indicator, then make a PersonGangAffiliationIndicator?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Indicator whether a juvenile is associated with a gang.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A gang a person is affiliated with
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A gang a person is affiliated with
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Subject: A person who is involved or suspected of being involved in an incident or criminal activity. This person may be the focus of an investigation or legal process, but is not necessarily the sole or primary focus.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR OrganizationPlacement:

#NR OrganizationPlacement: 
#CM GJXDM naming convention would call this PlacementOrganizationType.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        An entity to whom the care of a juvenile is committed.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR PersonPacement:

#NR PersonPacement: 
#CM Typo, should be PersonPlacement
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Placement: placementStartDate

#NR Placement: placementStartDate
#CM Should this use GJXDM ActivityDate? Depends on what Placement is derived from.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Date on which the placement commenced.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR AddressType:

#NR AddressType: 
#CM The definitions are quite different, with the GJXDM limited to a mailing address. Other sorts of addresses would be locations, I think. It might just be that the mapping is off. ECF "Type" as used here isn't the same as GJXDM "Type" as used here.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        A description of the type of address.  Example:  mailing address, physical address, GPS coordinates.  Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A structure that describes a postal location to which paper mail can be directed.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A structure that describes a postal location to which paper mail can be directed.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Case: Alias

#NR Case: Alias
#CM This element name seems wonky. It's not the Alias of the Case, so why "CaseAlias?" Should be mapped to PersonAlias, with a new OrganizationAlias created for organizations? Or maybe I just parsed something wrong.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        A name other than an official name used by a person or organization.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Case: An aggregation of information, in any format, that describes a set of related activities and occurrences. The domain or discipline defines the limits of the information included in a specific kind of case. Case is not limited to any particular discipline or domain, and can relate a wide range of areas: a situation requiring investigation or action (as by the police); the object of investigation or consideration; an instance of disease or injury; an instance that directs attention to a situation or exhibits it in action; a set of circumstances or a state of affairs; a situation; a question or problem; a matter; an action or a law suit or just grounds for an action; the facts or evidence offered in support of a claim; a set of reasons or supporting facts; a person being assisted, treated, or studied, as by a physician, lawyer, or social worker.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR CaseOrigin: originatingOrganizationName

#NR CaseOrigin: originatingOrganizationName
#CM Is this mapped correctly? We're mapping a name to a textual description of a type of ID?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Name of organization in which the case originated. Organization ID is not used here, because the organization may not be a participant in electronic filing.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A type of identifier assigned.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               CaseLineageCase: A description of a case at a previous stage.
               CaseTrackingID: A number used to track a case.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A type of identifier assigned.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               CaseLineageCase: A description of a case at a previous stage.
               CaseTrackingID: A number used to track a case.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR CaseOrigin: caseTitle

#NR CaseOrigin: caseTitle
#CM Is this really the short title? It's not using the same naming conventions as previous short title elements.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The short title for the origin of this case, if it  is a previous court case.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        An official name of a case.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               CaseLineageCase: A description of a case at a previous stage.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        An official name of a case.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               CaseLineageCase: A description of a case at a previous stage.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR DocumentMetadata: documentTypeCode

#NR DocumentMetadata: documentTypeCode
#CM Wrong definition? Wrong mapping? I'm really confused all around on this one.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Formal title of the document, as assigned by court rules or practice and as defined in court policy.  Should be docket code used by court. Allowable values set forth in Court Policy.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A description of something that happened in a case in a register of actions entry.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               DocumentDescriptiveMetadata: Details about general document descriptors.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A description of something that happened in a case in a register of actions entry.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               DocumentDescriptiveMetadata: Details about general document descriptors.
Contextual Definition:
        definition change needed

Details for #NR DocumentMetadata: fileSize

#NR DocumentMetadata: fileSize
#CM Bytes vs. kbytes. I'd prefer bytes, but kbytes already in use.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Size of file expressed in bytes.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A size of a binary object in kilobytes.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               DocumentBinary: The binary encoding of the content of a document.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A size of a binary object in kilobytes.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Document: Details about inherent and frequently used characteristics of a document. Format or media is irrelevant in defining a document, however they are characteristics of a document. Documents are considered unique resources.
               DocumentBinary: The binary encoding of the content of a document.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Organization: ContactInformation

#NR Organization: ContactInformation
#CM The best definition for GJXDM use would combine the ECF and GJXDM.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Information useable to contact a person or organization, such as address, telephone number(s), and email address.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        The preferred contact for an individual. Use this designation only when more specific ones (e.g. home or work) are not available.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        The preferred contact for an individual. Use this designation only when more specific ones (e.g. home or work) are not available.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Organization: Details about a unit which conducts some sort of business or operations.
Contextual Definition:
        GJXDM definition is broken..refers to individual

Details for #NR Alias: alternateName

#NR Alias: alternateName
#CM Why not mapped to PersonAlias.PesonName?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        An alternative name by which this person or organization is known.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR PhoneNumberType:

#NR PhoneNumberType: 
#CM Mapping is off. TelephoneNumberType isn't a type of number. It's a data type. Probably need a new GJXDM element.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The type of telephone number.  Allowable values are set forth in Court Policy.  Examples are office, home, mobile, and fax.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A structure that describes a telephone number that can be dialed to reach a contact.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A structure that describes a telephone number that can be dialed to reach a contact.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR ReviewFilingMessage: submissionDate

#NR ReviewFilingMessage: submissionDate
#CM Submission inherits from ActivityType, so should map to ActivityDate.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The date that the message left the control of the sending MDE. In a filing this is the Filing Assembly MDE.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Submission: Details about a submission of a document to a recipient.
Contextual Definition:
        A date of an Submission that occurs at a singular point in time or a start date of an Submission that occurs over a period of time.

Details for #NR ReviewFilingMessage: submissionTime

#NR ReviewFilingMessage: submissionTime
#CM Submission inherits from ActivityType, so should map to ActivityTime.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        The time that the message left the control of the sending MDE. In a filing this is the Filing Assembly MDE.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Submission: Details about a submission of a document to a recipient.
Contextual Definition:
        A time of an Submission that occurs at a singular point in time or a start time of an Submission that occurs over a period of time.

Details for #NR Citation: timeOfViolation

#NR Citation: timeOfViolation
#CM ECF definition doesn't match. It's violation vs. issued. This is when issued. Looks strange compared to dateOfViolation, which is when violation occurs.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Time of day that the citation was issued
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A time of an activity that occurs at a singular point in time or a start time of an activity that occurs over a period of time.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               CitationViolation: An activity that is a violation of a law or ordinance that results in a subject being given a citation.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A time of an activity that occurs at a singular point in time or a start time of an activity that occurs over a period of time.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               CitationViolation: An activity that is a violation of a law or ordinance that results in a subject being given a citation.
Contextual Definition:
        of IncidentType

Details for #NR Citation: correctableOffenseIndicator

#NR Citation: correctableOffenseIndicator
#CM Is faulty equipment the only way a citation can be dismissed? Implies traffic as well, precluding GJXDM use.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        an indicator that equipment (tail light, headlight, etc.) requires fixing; if fixed, citation is dismissed
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        True if a citation can be dismissed if certain conditions are met; false otherwise.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        True if a citation can be dismissed if certain conditions are met; false otherwise.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Citation: correctableOffenseText

#NR Citation: correctableOffenseText
#CM Is faulty equipment the only way a citation can be dismissed? Implies traffic as well, precluding GJXDM use.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        text that equipment (tail light, headlight, etc.) requires fixing; if fixed, citation is dismissed
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A condition to be met that can make a citation eligible for dismissal.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A condition to be met that can make a citation eligible for dismissal.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR DrivingIncident: fatalInjuryIndicator

#NR DrivingIncident: fatalInjuryIndicator
#CM Not mapped to anything. I'm guessing it also uses DrivingIncident/DrivingAccidentSeverityCode, with the fatal code?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Indicator of whether any person was fatally injured in the incident.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR DrivingIncident: Vehicle

#NR DrivingIncident: Vehicle
#CM IncidentInvolvedProperty specifically includes vehicles driven as part of an incident.
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        Information describing a motor vehicle.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               DrivingIncident: Details about an incident involving a vehicle, e.g., a traffic accident, speeding, reckless driving.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Vehicle: vehicleModel

#NR Vehicle: vehicleModel
#CM This mapping isn't exactly right. It needs to be some element of VehicleStyleCode. VehicleModelCode is a model, like the 318ti in BMW 318ti, while the style would be hatchback, 2-door (2H).
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        model described in terms of 2 door, 4 door, van, pickup, etc.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        A code identifying the specific design or type of vehicle made by a manufacturer.  Sometimes referred to as the series model.
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        A code identifying the specific design or type of vehicle made by a manufacturer.  Sometimes referred to as the series model.
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               Vehicle: Details about a motor-driven conveyance designed to carry its operator, passengers, and cargo, including trailers, and excepting boats.
Contextual Definition:

Details for #NR Offender: bloodAlcoholContentNumber

#NR Offender: bloodAlcoholContentNumber
#CM Why not mapped to ArrestBloodAlcoholContentNumberText? Just due to the type?
Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:
ECF Definition from the XMI file:
        A blood-alcohol percentage reading from a Blood Alcohol Test (BAC Test). A blank value represents not tested.
GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
        Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
               CitationSubject: A person who violates a law and receives a citation.
GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
        Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
               CitationSubject: A person who violates a law and receives a citation.
Contextual Definition:

 [CU1]Who is the question for?

 [CU2]Need to reconcile this with the ECF

Better list.


 [CU4]Not a definition issue yet


 [CU5]This is too general for this context

 [CU6]Based on the element name, this should be a description of the allegation that enhances the charge’s seriousness beyond the original

 [CU7]This is correct and should be added to the one above.

Title: GJXDM Better

GJXDM Better Summary

GJXDM Better (#G+): These are cases where the GJXDM definition is better for the GJXDM. This doesn't neccessarily mean that the GJXDM is better overall, just that the ECF defintion would not work within the GJXDM in place fo the existing GJXDM definition. This is usually due to the ECF definition narrowing the meaning of the term beyond the GJXDM meaning.

  1. #G+ PersonInformation: height
  2. #G+ PersonInformation: weight
  3. #G+ PersonInformation: sexCode
    #CM Most jurisdictions recognize 5-7 sexes/genders. (Ask Paul Embley, it's his example.) Although the code table only mentions 3, I wouldn't use the definition to limit the scope in this way.
  4. #G+ Charge: chargeOffenseLocationCounty
    #CM GJXDM is a little more inclusive by mentioning parishes, etc.
  5. #G+ ExtendedPersonInformation: sexCode
    #CM Paul Embley says law enforcement recognized at least 5 different types of sex.
  6. #G+ ExtendedPersonInformation: height
    #CM I don't know that the wordiness buys us anything.
  7. #G+ JuvenileArrest: Location
    #CM The ECF is more general.
  8. #G+ Court:
    #CM I don't see a substantial difference in the definitions. ECF definition might exclude legitimate court activities.
  9. #G+ DocumentMetadata: language
    #CM GJXDM explicitly refers to the document's content.
  10. #G+ Organization:
    #CM The "by law" part limits it from use as GJXDM definition.
  11. #G+ OrganizationRelationship: Organization
    #CM The "by law" prevents GJXDM use.
  12. #G+ Person: interpreterLanguageCode
    #CM native and primary don't always imply most comfortable.
  13. #G+ Property: description
  14. #G+ Text:
    #CM The ECF definition is odd to me. Numbers aren't human readable? Measurements aren't?
  15. #G+ ViolatedStatute:
    #CM The ECF definition is a little wonky in its phrasing.
  16. #G+ DrivingIncident: SpeedRate (offenderSpeed)
    #CM Neither of these definitions is exactly correct. It's the claimed or measured or detected speed. It's especially fun with the ECF definition. If their actual speed is higher than the limit, then they have violated the limit, not just allegedly violated it.
  17. #G+ Vehicle: vehicleMake
    #CM The manufacturer is the Make, isn't it? If so, the ECF definition is repetitious.
  18. #G+ Vehicle: vehicleYear
    #CM I could see the manufacturer assigning a different date than actual manufacture, especially around the end of a year.
  19. #G+ Vehicle: vehicleColorCode
    #CM GJXDM has added functionality. Probably not needed in this context.
  20. #G+ Vehicle: vehicleColorText
    #CM GJXDM has added functionality. Probably not needed in this context.

Definition Details for GJXDM Better

Details for #G+ PersonInformation: height

#G+ PersonInformation: height


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	The numeric representation of the measurement from head to foot of a person.  Note: the unit of measure is expressed in the heightMeasureType.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
	A measurement of the height of a person.

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A measurement of the height of a person.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
		PersonPhysicalDetails: A set of details about the physical appearance of a person.

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A measurement of the height of a person.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		PersonPhysicalDetails: A set of details about the physical appearance of a person.

Contextual Definition:

	inherited from PersonType; include units attribute

Details for #G+ PersonInformation: weight

#G+ PersonInformation: weight


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	The numeric representation of the weight of a person.  Note: the unit of measure is expressed in the weightMeasureType.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
	A measurement of the weight of a person.

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A measurement of the weight of a person.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
		PersonPhysicalDetails: A set of details about the physical appearance of a person.

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A measurement of the weight of a person.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		PersonPhysicalDetails: A set of details about the physical appearance of a person.

Contextual Definition:

	inherited from PersonType

Details for #G+ PersonInformation: sexCode

#G+ PersonInformation: sexCode
#CM Most jurisdictions recognize 5-7 sexes/genders. (Ask Paul Embley, it's his example.) Although the code table only mentions 3, I wouldn't use the definition to limit the scope in this way.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	One of the two divisions, male and female, into which many living things are grouped.  (Ex. M-Male, F-Female, U-Unknown).

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
	A code identifying the gender or sex of a person.

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A code identifying the gender or sex of a person.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
		PersonPhysicalDetails: A set of details about the physical appearance of a person.

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A code identifying the gender or sex of a person.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		PersonPhysicalDetails: A set of details about the physical appearance of a person.

Contextual Definition:

	inherited from PersonType

Details for #G+ Charge: chargeOffenseLocationCounty

#G+ Charge: chargeOffenseLocationCounty
#CM GJXDM is a little more inclusive by mentioning parishes, etc.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	The name of the county where the offense was committed.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A name of a county, parish, or vicinage.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
		IncidentLocation: A location where an incident occurred.
		LocationAddress: Details about an address for a location, e.g., a postal address.

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A name of a county, parish, or vicinage.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		Charge: Details about a formal allegation that a specific person has committed a specific offense.
		IncidentLocation: A location where an incident occurred.
		LocationAddress: Details about an address for a location, e.g., a postal address.

Contextual Definition:

	ChargeOffense is of type IncidentType

Details for #G+ ExtendedPersonInformation: sexCode

#G+ ExtendedPersonInformation: sexCode
#CM Paul Embley says law enforcement recognized at least 5 different types of sex.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	One of the two divisions, male and female, into which many living things are grouped.  (Ex. M-Male, F-Female, U-Unknown).

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A code identifying the gender or sex of a person.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
		PersonPhysicalDetails: A set of details about the physical appearance of a person.

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A code identifying the gender or sex of a person.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		Person: Describes inherent and frequently associated characteristics of a person.
		PersonPhysicalDetails: A set of details about the physical appearance of a person.

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ ExtendedPersonInformation: height

#G+ ExtendedPersonInformation: height
#CM I don't know that the wordiness buys us anything.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	The numeric representation of the measurement from head to foot of a person.  Note: the unit of measure is expressed in the heightMeasureType.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
	A measurement of the height of a person.

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A measurement of the height of a person.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
		PersonPhysicalDetails: A set of details about the physical appearance of a person.

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A measurement of the height of a person.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		Person: Describes inherent and frequently associated characteristics of a person.
		PersonPhysicalDetails: A set of details about the physical appearance of a person.

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ JuvenileArrest: Location

#G+ JuvenileArrest: Location
#CM The ECF is more general.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	The place where an event occurred.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A location where a subject was arrested.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A location where a subject was arrested.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		Arrest: Details about the apprehension of a subject by a peace official based on an observed or a reported violation of a law or ordinance, an outstanding arrest warrant, or probable cause information. 

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ Court:

#G+ Court: 
#CM I don't see a substantial difference in the definitions. ECF definition might exclude legitimate court activities.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	The specific entity within the judicial branch of government in which a case or document is to be filed, in which a case is pending, or in which a case was adjudicated.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A structure that describes details about a court or a unit of a court responsible for trying justice proceedings.

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A structure that describes details about a court or a unit of a court responsible for trying justice proceedings.

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ DocumentMetadata: language

#G+ DocumentMetadata: language
#CM GJXDM explicitly refers to the document's content.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	The language in which the document is written.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
		DocumentDescriptiveMetadata: Details about general document descriptors.

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		DocumentDescriptiveMetadata: Details about general document descriptors.

Contextual Definition:

	need to choose which codelist

Details for #G+ Organization:

#G+ Organization: 
#CM The "by law" part limits it from use as GJXDM definition.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	An entity created by law to conduct some sort of business or activity.  Examples include agencies, law firms, corporations, partnerships, and voluntary associations.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A structure that describes a unit which conducts some sort of business or operations.

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A structure that describes a unit which conducts some sort of business or operations.

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ OrganizationRelationship: Organization

#G+ OrganizationRelationship: Organization
#CM The "by law" prevents GJXDM use.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	An entity created by law to conduct some sort of business or activity.  Examples include agencies, law firms, corporations, partnerships, and voluntary associations.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ Person: interpreterLanguageCode

#G+ Person: interpreterLanguageCode
#CM native and primary don't always imply most comfortable.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	A code identifying the person's native or primary language, the one the person is most comfortable using.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A code identifying a language that a person is most comfortable using.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:
		PersonSocialDetails: A set of details about the social characteristics of a person.

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A code identifying a language that a person is most comfortable using.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		Person: Describes inherent and frequently associated characteristics of a person.
		PersonSocialDetails: A set of details about the social characteristics of a person.

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ Property: description

#G+ Property: description


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	Text describing the property.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A description of a property item.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A description of a property item.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		Property: A tangible or intangible item that can be owned or used.

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ Text:

#G+ Text: 
#CM The ECF definition is odd to me. Numbers aren't human readable? Measurements aren't?


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	Information set forth in human readable form.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A proxy structure that represents a character string, generally in the form of words of a language, and includes language metadata.

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A proxy structure that represents a character string, generally in the form of words of a language, and includes language metadata.

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ ViolatedStatute:

#G+ ViolatedStatute: 
#CM The ECF definition is a little wonky in its phrasing.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	The statutory or ordinance section a defendant or violator is alleged to have committed.  May include a probation violation.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:
	"?????????A structure that describes a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction."

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	Details about a statute that has been violated and associated information.

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	Details about a statute that has been violated and associated information.

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ DrivingIncident: SpeedRate (offenderSpeed)

#G+ DrivingIncident: SpeedRate (offenderSpeed)
#CM Neither of these definitions is exactly correct. It's the claimed or measured or detected speed. It's especially fun with the ECF definition. If their actual speed is higher than the limit, then they have violated the limit, not just allegedly violated it.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	Actual speed of the person alleged to have violated the speed limit.

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A speed a vehicle was moving at when an incident occurred.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A speed a vehicle was moving at when an incident occurred.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		DrivingIncident: Details about an incident involving a vehicle, e.g., a traffic accident, speeding, reckless driving.

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ Vehicle: vehicleMake

#G+ Vehicle: vehicleMake
#CM The manufacturer is the Make, isn't it? If so, the ECF definition is repetitious.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	Manufacturer's make of vehicle offender was driving

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A code identifying the manufacturer of a vehicle.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A code identifying the manufacturer of a vehicle.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		Vehicle: Details about a motor-driven conveyance designed to carry its operator, passengers, and cargo, including trailers, and excepting boats.

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ Vehicle: vehicleYear

#G+ Vehicle: vehicleYear
#CM I could see the manufacturer assigning a different date than actual manufacture, especially around the end of a year.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	Year that vehicle was manufactured

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A year which is assigned to a vehicle by the manufacturer.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A year which is assigned to a vehicle by the manufacturer.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		Vehicle: Details about a motor-driven conveyance designed to carry its operator, passengers, and cargo, including trailers, and excepting boats.

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ Vehicle: vehicleColorCode

#G+ Vehicle: vehicleColorCode
#CM GJXDM has added functionality. Probably not needed in this context.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	Paint color of vehicle offender was driving when cited

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A code identifying a single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a vehicle.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A code identifying a single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a vehicle.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		Vehicle: Details about a motor-driven conveyance designed to carry its operator, passengers, and cargo, including trailers, and excepting boats.

Contextual Definition:


Details for #G+ Vehicle: vehicleColorText

#G+ Vehicle: vehicleColorText
#CM GJXDM has added functionality. Probably not needed in this context.


Local Definition from the Spreadsheet:

ECF Definition from the XMI file:
	Paint color of vehicle offender was driving when cited

GJXDM Definition from the Spreadsheet:

GJXDM Definition from the XSD file:
	A single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a vehicle.

	Upchain Definitions from the XSD file:

GJXDM Definition from the Full GJXDM file:
	A single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a vehicle.

	Upchain Definitions from the Full GJXDM file:
		Vehicle: Details about a motor-driven conveyance designed to carry its operator, passengers, and cargo, including trailers, and excepting boats.

Contextual Definition:


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