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Subject: RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Proper Use of SendingLocationMDE



I’ve attached answers to your questions below. 

Jim Cabral

James E. Cabral Jr.
MTG Management Consultants, L.L.C.
(206) 442-5010

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From: Graham, Gary [mailto:GGraham@courts.az.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 10:09 AM
To: Cabral, James E.; legalxml-courtfiling@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Proper Use of SendingLocationMDE


Thank you for the clarification; as a result, I will want to amend the Message examples I provided previoulsy.


I am now focusing on the Ploicy messages and have a few additional questions regarding Policy.


Policy – The ECF 3.01 specification, section 2.4.4 ‘Court Specific Code Lists’, says a “court SHOULD provide values for each of the following code lists…” Included in the list of code lists is <ErrorCode>. I presume this would be used to by the Filing Review MDE to inform the Filing Assembly MDE of the Error Codes that it may expect to receive, and include a textual description for each code. I am not aware of any standard for these codes other than ‘zero’ (0) which means no error. I further presume that these <ErrorCode>s would be communicated to the Filing Review MDE in the CourtPolicyResponseMessage. However, the XML does not appear to contain elements for returning the <ErrorCode> list (there are elements to communicate whether or not an error occurred in the GetPolicy operation). Furthermore, I cannot find any XSD for the <ErrorCode> list.  Are there standard codes?  Is there an XSD for Error Codes?  Where in the message do these codes go?  <CourtExtension>? Or <CoreCodeList>? What should the value be for <ElementName> within <CoreCodeList>? (in the XML Example, for Case Type, the value is ‘common:CaseTypeCode’ – in the common folder I find an ECF-3.0-CaseType.xsd, but not a CaseTypeCode.xsd)  How is Error Severity communicated?


All messages (including CourtPolicyResponseMessage) include the Error element which includes ErrorCode and ErrorText elements. The ErrorCode element is based on PolicyDefinedCodeTextType which indicates that the court should define the code list in Court Policy.   The definition for ErrorCode says that 0 is reserved for “no error”  but this is not enforced in schema.  There is no built-in mechanism in ECF for communicating error severity but, if a court needed it, the court could associate certain severity levels with certain codes (e.g. errors 100-200 are minor, error 200-300 are severe, etc.)


Or, is there no need to send a full Error Code set from the Filing Review MDE to the Filing Assembly MDE because only the ‘current’ error(s) (if any, else 0 – No Error) is returned, and the Filing Assembly MDE can just display the returned DisplayText to the user?


Right – there is no need to send a full Error Code set since it is defined in Court Policy.


The ECF-3.0-CourtPolicyResponseMessage.xsd permits zero to unlimited message:Error elements. When the called operation returns multiple error codes, is there a standard or a convention on how this should be done? (i.e. in the order the errors occurred, or most significant to least significant, etc.)


There is no current standard or convention for this.  Is it important enough that we need to add one?


How many Revision Numbers?


ECF 3.01 states: “The court MUST have only one active, authoritative version of its human-readable, development-time, and run-time policies at a given time.” The term “only one” suggests that the combined set of Human-readable policy and Machine-readable policy is considered a single policy. However, ECF 3.01 also states: “The court’s human-readable and machine-readable court policies MUST both have a version numbering method associated with them.” This seems to suggest two separate version numbers as “both” “MUST” “have a version numbering method”; not “both MUST have a single version numbering …”. However, the ECF-3.0-CourtPolicyResponseMessage.xsd only contains one Policy version element (i.e. policyresponse:PolicyVersionID). If there are two version numbers, which (Human or Machine-Readable) goes into policyresponse:PolicyVersionID, and where does the other go?


The human-readable and machine-readable policies are versioned separately.  The CourtPolicyResponseMessage only returns the machine-readable version and therefore, only includes one Policy version number.  We do not define a structure for human-readable policies but it must include the version somewhere in the human-readable policy.


Also note that the XSD definition for policyresponse:PolicyVersionID may be incorrect. It states that it’s “up to the court to define the format for this” (the version number); however, it appears that ECF 3.01 section 2.4 defines the format of version as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (however, it’s specified as a SHOULD comply, not a MUST).


I think this is ok.  We say the court MUST define a format it and suggest a recommended format but don’t require them to use it.


Gary Graham


-----Original Message-----
From: Cabral, James E. [mailto:JCabral@mtgmc.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 7:52 PM
To: Graham, Gary; legalxml-courtfiling@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [legalxml-courtfiling] Proper Use of SendingLocationMDE




The definitions of message:SendingMDEProfileCode and message:ReceivingMDEProfileCode still referred to “message profiles” which were renamed “service interaction profiles” in ECF 3.01 to bring us into conformance with the OASIS SOA Reference Model.  I have now updated the definitions. The profile codes are defined ECF 3.0 Service Interaction Profiles, e.g. the ECF 3.0 Web Services Service Interaction Profile  uses the following code:




Regarding the SendingMDELocationID, the complete definition is “Location for the MDE to which asynchronous and service messages can be sent. This unique location is self-assigned by the MDE.”  This definition is consistent with its use.  In short, the MDE receiving a message already knows its own ID – it just needs to receive the ID of the sending MDE.


In your example:


FilingReview operation

1.       FilingAssemblyMDE sends a CoreFilingMessage with SendingMDELocationID set to the FilingAssemblyMDE’s ID.

2.       FilingReviewMDE sends a MessageReceiptMessage (synchronous response) with SendingMDELocaitonID set to the FilingReviewMDE’s ID.


NotifyFilingReviewComplete operation (after review and docketing is complete):

3.       FilingReviewMDE  sends a ReviewFilingCallbackMessage (asynchronous response) with SendingMDELocaitonID set to the FilingReviewMDE’s ID.


Does this clarify?

Jim Cabral

James E. Cabral Jr.
MTG Management Consultants, L.L.C.
(206) 442-5010

The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.



From: Graham, Gary [mailto:GGraham@courts.az.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 4:50 PM
To: legalxml-courtfiling@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [legalxml-courtfiling] Proper Use of SendingLocationMDE


I’m having some trouble trying to determine the proper use of the elements <message:SendingMDELocationID> and <message:SendingMDEProfileCode>, specifically in the CourtPolicyResponseMessage, but generally, in any message.


From the XSD, you can find the following definitions:


<message:SendingMDELocationID> - Location for the MDE to which asynchronous and service messages can be sent. This unique location is self-assigned by the MDE.


<message:SendingMDEProfileCode> - Code identifying the message profile being used by the sending filing assembly MDE. This list should be extensible to accommodate future messaging profiles. Each code value is specified within the message profile approved for use with ECF.


The Sample XML simply shows ‘MDEID’ as the example for Location, and ‘MESSAGINGPROFILEID’ for the Profile.


So here’s my question: In the CourtPolicyResponseMessage which is being returned to the Filing Assembly MDE from the Filing Review MDE, should the <message:SendingMDELocationID> identify the Filing Assembly MDE and not the Filing Review MDE? 


On the Sequence Diagram from the specification document (i.e. ecf-v3.01-spec-wd02.doc, page 23) the response is shown as a dashed line which indicates a synchronous response. However, the definition of <message:SendingMDELocationID> addresses ‘asynchronous and service messages’; it is neither. Is this just an error in the definition or am I missing something?


The definition for <message:SendingMDEProfileCode> talks about a “message profile”. What is a “message profile”, and where is this defined? It also mentions a “list”. Where is this list of message profiles? How are practitioners using this element?


Also, it says it’s the profile “used by the sending filing assembly MDE”; so if the answer to the first Location question is Filing Review MDE and not Filing Assembly MDE as I suggest, then please explain.


Thank you in advance for your considered response,


Gary Graham

Arizona Supreme Court



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