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Subject: Re: [legalxml-courtfiling] Groups - Action Item "ECF 5.0 - Develop use cases for evidence tracking" added

Hi Jim,

There's been a number of bites at this apple over the
past several years - largely disconnected but evidencing
(no pun intended) a continuing need.

I linked up one of the ETRI people from my ITU-T days
several years ago with Chris Inacio at CMU - who introduced
some IODEF extensions in IETF.  This subsequently died.

There is a recent fairly comprehensive overview done
out at the Naval Postgraduate School.

There's probably potential demand for something OASIS


On 2015-02-12 10:47 AM, James E Cabral wrote:

The question was raised Tuesday whether ECF is appropriate for submitting electronic evidence like audio/video recordings of depositions but network forensics might be another application.  I don’t think we are talking about physical evidence.  Before we can have any sort of discussion, we’ll need use cases to consider.


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