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legalxml-econtracts message

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Subject: Re: [legalxml-econtracts] Caption Numbers

John McClure wrote:

>Jason said:
>>To recap what i put in my FAQ document, i think it is highly desirable
>>to have a clause model which has one and only one thing at each level in
>>the hierachy.  As soon as you depart from this, not only do you make
>>things needlessly complex for the user, but for stylesheet purposes, you
>>can't infer the level of something (and therefore how to number it) from
>>its name (eg Section).

>Here's the corresponding XSL match conditions; within these templates, one can
>generate caption numbers without too much problem.
I'm not suggesting it is impossible.  I'm saying it is undesirable and 

><xsl:template match='*[parent::Contract]'>
><xsl:template match='Paragraph[parent::Contract]'>
><xsl:template match='Article[parent::Contract]'>
look at the 2 templates you have created for Section.  

><xsl:template match='Section[parent::Contract]'>
><xsl:template match='Section[parent::Article[parent::Contract]]'>
With a seven level hierarchy where anything is allowed anywhere else, 
well, seven factorial equals 720.  Now, i know you won't catch each 
possibility with a distinct template.

But the problem is that users will put a Paragraph directly in an 
Article _by mistake_, and using your approach, your styles would need to 
cater for that.  And I don't want to impose this burden on 
administrators or support staff who are not XPath experts.

><xsl:template match='Paragraph[parent::Article[parent::Contract]]'>

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