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Subject: Req Doc Review, Updated Tech Reqs, & 3 pictures

Attached is an update to my previous draft for a Technical Requirements section,
with no plan to further update until after receiving feedback on its direction.

I have also attached a few inline-comments to the Requirements Document. As I'm
certain it was an oversight, the link to the DC requirements was to only its
first draft. Accordingly, I am concerned that that first draft was used as the
basis for the Reqs Doc, rather than that posted 10 days later

Lastly attached are graphical depictions that I was requested to furnish
relative to those requirements, refined beyond the concepts originally
presented. Thirty-seven types of events are now identified.

Comments about all this material is welcomed.
Title: LegalXML eContracts XML Markup Requirements

5. Technical Requirements.

An XML representation of an "eContract" cannot be constrained to a single dialect designed by this Technical Committee. An "eContract" may be represented using any XML dialect mutually agreed-upon by the parties to the contract. So as to achieve the TC's functional goals for the use of contractual material in contexts unrelated to its authoring, the TC establishes standards that accommodate contractual material created in other XML dialects.

An "eContract" is not construed to represent the entire legal agreement that exists between its parties. An "eContract" represents a single legal instrument that, often only in concert with other legal instruments, constitutes the entirety of a legal agreement. This Technical Committee makes no requirement that an "eContract" must be representative of a "four corner" legal instrument of a contractual relationship between its parties.

The operating definition of an XML-encoded eContract naturally relates more to the definition of a contractual legal instrument than to the definition of a legal agreement. Legally relevant information is implicitly represented by the legal instrument when it is recorded on a paper medium. When parties to a contract instrument indicate their assent to the legal instrument, they are giving their assent not only to the information represented within the contract, but also to certain meta-information which devolves implicitly from the fact that the instrument is recorded on paper:

  • that the representation of the content of the contract instrument, is acceptable;
  • that the medium used to record the contract instrument, is acceptable;
  • that the layout of the content within the contract instrument, is acceptable;
  • that subsequent representation of the instrument's content, is acceptable;
  • that the method used to authenticate assents by parties to the contract instrument, is acceptable;
  • that material "included by reference" (either physically attached to the contract instrument, or as a citation to documents of record), is acceptable.

In short, both the XML dialect used to represent the content of the contract instrument and the meta-information about the contract are subjects of mutual assent. Failure to duplicate such meta-information within a digital eContract renders it insufficient as a vehicle for an authentic legal contract instrument. This section discusses the technical aspects of these requirements, regardless of whether the XML datastream is encoded or not using the XML dialect designed by this Committee.

For instance, parties to a digital eContract can explicitly accept that the "look and feel" of a subsequent display of the contract, using specific software products and hardware configurations, may vary in ways insubstantial to the agreement. An eContract needs to make the mutualities of assent that are implicit in the paper medium, as explicit as possible in the digital medium.

5.1. Objectives of Technical Requirements.

This section identifies technical objectives to be achieved by subsequent standards related documents published by the TC.

  1. Representation

    Technical implementation standards are required to represent all contract content and contract meta-information to which contract parties historically have provided their assent. Standards are required to minimize the repudiability of eContracts datastreams as representative of a legal contract instrument.

  2. Integration

    Technical implementation standards are required to be integrated with, and not duplicative of, other extant standards efforts.

  3. Modularization

    Technical implementation standards are required to be developed in a modular manner. The TC should establish overall a family of standards that relate to each of the different functional and legal states of a contract instrument.

  4. Performance

    Technical implementation standards should encourage the overall performance of end-user applications,

5.2. eContracts Technical Roadmap.

This section provides a roadmap for the design of XML standards for eContracts.

  1. Negotiation Datastreams

    Negotiation datastreams are not contracts-of-record for an agreement. These datastreams have no presentational component functionally significant to standardize. Therefore, these datastreams are found only within LegalXML envelopes labelled "Proposal".

    Two types of Negotiation datastreams exist: the draft contract content, and metadata about the draft contract. The metadata includes elements relevant to the authoring of a contract offer, and may recount or define the workflow events associated with the value of any contract parameter.

    A Negotiation datastream may reference draft contract content that is not physically located within the draft contract, such as content that might be located within a separate Contract Template datastream or Boilerplate Clause datastream.

  2. Presentation Datastreams

    Presentation datastreams are those transmitting significant presentation information. These datastreams are found within LegalXML envelopes labelled "Offer", "Counter-offer", "Acceptance", or "Rejection". The envelope is anticipated to identify any legal instruments that are previous offers or counter-offers. A Presentation datastream may contain any dialect that has been standardized with a User Agent definition. This includes any custom dialect of XML that is represented using CSS formatting; XHTML; SVG; XForms; and XSL-FO.

    As a legal matter, presentation of the content of a contract is integral to its acceptance; acceptances are indicated by digital signatures. Accordingly, all Presentation datastreams that are to be construed as offers, counteroffers, acceptances, or rejections, are to be (digitally) signed by at least one party. Signed, non-presentation datastreams are legal oxymorons. However, unsigned, presentation datastreams are not necessarily legally meaningless, if the parties mutually accept other verifiable methods to indicate assent by parties.

    Further, a Presentation datastream may not reference contract content that is not physically located within the datastream, with one exception: reference may be nade to legal instruments of record.

    Two types of metadata about a Presentation datastream exist: required metadata about the contract's presentation characteristics; and optional metadata about its negotiation. Metadata about the contract's presentation characteristics is to be equally associated with assents as the content of the contract, is. Metadata for presentational characteristics should be represented using Dublin Core elements, whether duplicative of any metadata in the LegalXML envelope or not.

    Negotiation metadata that is a subject of the contract (that is, when parties to the contract have agreed to accept the metadata as a valid representation of the extent of their assent to contract terms) is to be equally signed by the parties to the contract.

  3. Administration Datastreams

  4. Mediation Datastreams

5.3. Related XML Standards.

This section identifies the role that other standardized XML protocols are anticipated to fulfill in the standards related documents published by the TC.

  1. XML

    eContract standards should use XML text entities to represent "boilerplate" text; the Committee should create a separate standard for "boilerplate clauses". DTDs are to be created for all standards, however only to the extent allowable by the standard syntax for DTDs. No external namespace elements may be defined in DTDs published by this committee for non-metadata documents. The DTDs for eContracts metadata documents should define the elements of the Resource Description Framework (rdf) namespace.

  2. XML Namespaces

    The TC allows elements defined by namespaces, including those defined by this TC, within the body of all eContracts datastreams, if acceptable to the parties.

  3. CSS

    The Cascading Stylesheet Language (CSS) is used to format arbitrary XML datastreams. The existence of a CSS stylesheet, or a reference to a CSS stylesheet, within an eContract datastream is indicative that the datastream is an eContract (Presentation) Contract datastream.

  4. XHTML

    The Extendable Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) is an XML dialect for which the W3C has defined User Agent behavior, and is therefore a presentation dialect. To provide linking to contract material within an XHTML datastream, the TC should designate one or more elements that are to be located in the XHTML datastream to indicate (1) that it is an eContracts datastream, and (2) that indicates citable components of the eContracts datastream.

  5. SVG

    The Scalable Vector Graphics Language (SVG) is an XML dialect for which the W3C has defined User Agent behavior, and is therefore a presentation dialect. To provide linking to contract material within an SVG datastream, the TC should designate one or more elements that are to be located in the XHTML datastream to indicate (1) that it is an eContracts datastream, and (2) that indicates citable components of the eContracts datastream.

  6. XPATH

    The TC adopts XML Path expressions (XPATH) as the proper method for positional references to elements within eContracts; and for elements commonly identified using the XML id attribute, as long as that element has an ancestor element that is labelled with a valid rdf:ID attribute.

  7. XSL-T

    The Extensible Stylesheet Transformation Language (XSL-T) is not defined by the W3C as a User Agent language; it is a transformation language. An eContracts datastream that is an XSL stylesheet; that contains an XSL stylesheet; or that references an XSL stylesheet is not a Presentation datastream. At most it can be used as a representation of a "Proposed" contract.

  8. XSL-FO

    The Extensible Stylesheet Flow Objects Language (XSL-FO) is defined by the W3C as a User Agent language; it is not transformative. An eContract datastream that are tagged in the XSL-FO dialect may be representative of an "Offer", "Counter-offer", "Acceptance", or "Rejection" datastream.

  9. XForms

  10. RDF

    Tagnames and structure in all metadata should conform to fully striped RDF syntax. All names for metadata resources identified by the TC are to be specified using UpperCameCase notation, while all their attributes (their properties) are to be named using lowerCamelCase convention. Names of resources alternate with names of their properties as the standard pattern of XML element content models standardized by this TC. All resource names and property names are to be defined as XML elements within DTDs, XML Schemas, and RDF Schemas. All property names are additionally to be defined as the names of XML attributes for the XML resource elements.

    All metadata resources defined by this committee are to be identified with a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that distinguishes it uniquely within the context normally of a Universal Resource Locater (URL), or of a registration authority for a Universal Resource Name (URN). XML "id" attributes are acceptable as URI fragment identifiers within the scope of a URI-attributed ancestor element.

    The TC should define resources of two types: (a) resource "class" resources, such as a "UnilateralContract" and "NonRepudiationClause" and (2) resource "instances", such as specific governing authorities for contracts. The TC can either define these resources itself, or standardize on resources defined by LegalXML or other standards organzation.

  11. XML Schema

  12. Digital Signatures

  13. Dublin Core

    The TC should provide standards relevant to the fourteen elements standardized as the Dublin Core. These elements are used to index the eContract Contract datastream; and to transmit all meta-information concerning its presentational characteristics.

    Dublin Core elements represent metadata about the Contract Datastream, uniquely with respect to metadata about any eContract Metadata datastream. The XML namespaces used by these datastreams should be indicated by Dublin Core elements.

  14. LegalXML Standards

    The "envelope" architecture and XML protocol defined by the LegalXML Court Filing Technical Committee should be adopted as a foundation for eContract XML standards. It is anticipated that declaration of the datastream as a "legal contract" and its status as a "Proposal", "Offer", "CounterOffer", "Acceptance", or "Rejection" should be provided by the envelope to the eContract XML entity.

  15. OASIS Standards

    eContract datastreams tagged using OASIS standard office and publishing dialects. because they have no User Agent definition, are relegated to "proposed" contractual material.

  16. ISO Standards

    The TC should use ISO standards for date, time, country, and language quantities.

  17. IEEE Standards

    The TC shall use IEEE standards for URIs. The TC should integrate its ontology-related definitions and standards with those developed by the IEEE such as the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO).

  18. ECMA Standards

    The TC should create standards that enable the development of scripting languages relevant to the content of eContracts.

  19. UN/UBL Standards

  20. Other Standards

    The TC may integrate with other standards determined worthwhile to the community, either before or after integration with the standards listed in this section.

5.4. eContracts Core XML Technical Requirements.

This section identifies core technical requirements for standards related documents published by the TC.

  1. Digital Integration

    All content of a signed contract shall be integrated within the single XML entity representing the signature(s). All information to which one historically assents in a contract should be accommodated within this signature envelope. The signature envelope contains a LegalXML envelope, in which all material included-by-reference should be either physically included, or be a reference to material with permanent legal stature. The LegalXML envelope primarily contains contract material, and sanctioned metadata.

  2. Separation of Metadata

    All metadata (except identifiers) about an eContract or its content should be located in an XML entity separate from the contract content. Metadata representative of an ascertained state of a contract should be transmittable separately from metadata descriptive of an earlier or future state of the contract content.

  3. Contract Instrument Artifacts

    Contract "proposals" may be represented using any XML dialect agreeable to the parties. Contract offers, counter-offers, acceptances, and rejections may be represented only using XML dialects designated as User Agents by the W3C.

  4. Representation of Metadata

    All metadata about an eContract or its content is represented using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) dialect.

  5. Citation to Content

    All contract content and contract metadata should be citable either positionally or by unique identifier. Citations of a logical nature, such as to a subclause, and citations of a physical nature, such as a page of text, should be accommodated by TC standards.

Title: LegalXML eContracts XML Markup Requirements

LegalXML eContracts XML Markup Requirements

Working Draft 01, 2003-10-31

Document identifier:

eContracts-chambers-requirements-01 ( XML )


Rolly Chambers, Smith, Currie & Hancock LLP < rlchambers@smithcurrie.com >


This draft document defines the general functional requirements for a standard XML syntax for the markup of electronic contract documents enabling the efficient creation, maintenance, management, exchange and publication of contract documents and contract terms.


This is a draft requirements document of the OASIS LegalXML eContracts Technical Committee for review and discussion by interested TC members.

If you are on the < legalxml-econtracts@lists.oasis-open.org > list for committee members, send comments there. If you are not on that list, subscribe to the < legalxml-econtracts-comment@lists.oasis-open.org > list and send comments there. To subscribe, send an email message to < legalxml-econtracts-comment-request@lists.oasis-open.org > with the word " subscribe " as the body of the message.

1. Introduction and Scope.

This document describes the basic functional requirements for a standard XML syntax for the markup of electronic contract documents. The charter of the OASIS LegalXML eContracts TC provides that such a standard for XML markup should enable "the efficient creation, maintenance, management, exchange, and publication of contract documents and contract terms." The requirements described in this document are the result of a process undertaken by the eContracts TC to define in more detail the requirements for a standard "contract documents" XML syntax based on the broad scope outlined in the TC's charter.

The process included a basic review of other XML markup standardization efforts that might be useful in establishing standard XML markup for electronic contracts, but it primarily involved the creation and review of written scenarios by TC members. The scenarios presented problems to be addressed and needs to be met in specific business contexts. The general requirements described in this document are derived from the submitted scenarios.

The description of XML markup requirements, like the description of software requirements, can be approached from several different perspectives and involves a range of considerations. Functional, technical, system, business, and other factors are important considerations. This requirements document focuses on describing from the perspective of users the basic functional requirements to be met by a standard eContracts XML syntax. The requirements are derived from and traceable to the scenarios submitted to the eContracts TC, and identification of additional requirements for XML markup of electronic contract documents is expected and welcome.

This document does not attempt to define detailed technical or system requirements for XML electronic contracts nor does it attempt to define requirements for software applications that might be used to create or process XML electronic contracts.

I suggest the reader can't yet answer:
  • Why was this document important for us to write? How will the TC use this document?
  • Who outside the TC should read this document, and why?
  • What are the requirements for this document, ie what are its acceptance criteria?
  • What is the update cycle for this document, if any?

2. Terminology.

The key words must , must not , required , shall , shall not , should , should not , recommended , may , and optional in this document are to be interpreted as described in rfc2119.

The term author means a person creating or editing an XML contract document.

The term contract document means a draft or final electronic document formally expressing and memorializing the legally enforceable promises, understandings, obligations, and mutual assent of two or more contracting parties. Formal contract documents are a broad category of documents that include real estate leases, construction contracts, licensing agreements, loan agreements, merger agreements, employment contracts, contracts for the sale of goods, trading partner agreements, and similar documents ordinarily involving commercial transactions. Within this requirements document, contract document does NOT mean letters, email, memoranda, notes, or similar informal documents (although even such informal documents could constitute legally enforceable written contracts in some circumstances).

The term contract term means a business term within a contract document such as a price, payment, quantity, scope description, quality description, schedule, date, or similar business term concerning the subject of the contract.

The term developer means a person creating or developing software for processing XML contract documents.

The terms processing application and application mean software applications for processing XML contract documents.

The term user means an author, developer, manager, or reader using an XML contract document.

  • Suggest that we define here those legal terms used in the document, with citations where we can. Suggest we define (a) "legal instrument", "legal agreement", "contract rider", "contract exhibit", and others that relate to the overall structure of a contract document; (b) "proposal", "offer", "counter-offer", "contract" and others that relate to the state of a contract; and perhaps (c) "article", "section", "clause", "paragraph" and others that relate to the content of a contract.
  • Suggest that we define here technical terms that are unique to this document. Suggest we define "Contract Content", "Contract Metadata", "Presentation Contract", "Administration Metadata", "Negotiation Metadata", and "Mediation Metadata" at a minimum.
  • Suggest that we use "contract parameter", not "contract term". The term of a contract should refers to its effective duration only.
  • Suggest that the definitions of "developer", "user", and "author" should be moved to Sec 3.1

3. Overall Description.

3.1. User Classes and Characteristics.

The anticipated users of a standard eContracts XML syntax include:

  • contract document authors or editors (i.e. creators),

  • XML applications developers,

  • contract administrators and managers, including individual consumers, who read, archive, or review contract documents,

  • applications for the automated negotiation and formation of contracts, and

  • applications for locating and extracting relevant contract terms for additional processing.

    • Types of applications seem out of place here.
    • Signatories are missing.

Contract document creators include persons responsible for preparing contract documents for an organization. Contract document creators may be employees, attorneys or law firms, or consultants or consulting firms. They may work from document templates or form contracts in drafting final contract documents. Contract document creators presumably will have at least basic familiarity with and may have special expertise regarding the business processes, contract terms, business semantics, contract drafting principles, and contract administration practices within their business sector. They presumably will have little, if any, familiarity with XML markup.

XML applications developers include employees or consultants familiar with developing software applications for creating, exchanging, or processing XML documents or data. Applications developers presumably will be familiar with XML based standards and with programming languages used for creating XML processing applications. They may or may not be familiar with business processes, contract terms, business semantics, contract drafting, or contract administration practices within a business sector.

Contract administrators and managers include employees or other persons who read, review, catalog, administer, or execute contract documents. This group includes individual consumers. Contract administrators, managers, or consumers presumably will have little, if any, familiarity with XML markup, but presumably will have at least basic familiarity or even special expertise regarding applicable business processes, contract terms, business semantics, and contract administration practices within their business sector.

Automated contract negotiation applications include specialized software "agents" capable of negotiating and forming contracts. Automated contract negotiation applications will have the capability to exchange contract terms marked up in XML and to generate XML contract documents memorializing the outcome of an automated negotiation process.

Processing applications include software programs capable of automatically recognizing and extracting pertinent contract terms marked up in XML, and further processing or exchanging such data and information with other applications, such as data bases or applications for displaying or rendering information marked up in XML.

3.2. Typical Business Contexts.

Contract documents are created, exchanged, and administered in many different business contexts. Relevant business sectors include, but are not limited to, real estate, banking and insurance, construction, securities, government and private procurement of goods and services, software licensing, and many more. The semantic business vocabularies used within different vertical business sectors are extensive and vary substantially from one sector to another. Many of these semantic business vocabularies are or can be expressed as standard XML dialects. A standard XML syntax for electronic contract documents must accomodate a multitude of contract terms and business semantics, including XML elements and attributes from other XML dialects, in order to enable the efficient creation, exchange, and management of contract documents and contract terms within different vertical business sectors.

Although semantic business vocabularies vary across vertical business sectors as a general matter, there appear to be common core semantic contract terms that apply broadly to contracts in many different business contexts. These common semantic contract terms include such terms as "price," "obligation," "contract party," "payment," "quantity," and similar contract terms. Obligations expressed within contract documents may be conditioned upon the occurrence of a variety of events external to the contract, such as the passage of a specific time duration, the existence and discovery of defects, or the failure of a contracting party to perform its promises. Where core semantic contract terms can be identified, a standard XML syntax for contract documents should include them and should provide means for both humans and machines to recognize and re-use them in a range of business processes.

  • Unlike the others listed, the term "obligation" is rarely found in a contract. Only when the semantic content of a contract is summed, do obligations emerge. I suggest that there be a separate section entirely to discuss the "event" model represented by the contract semantics.

In business-to-business exchanges in most vertical business sectors, draft contract documents for a propostd or contemplated transaction are created, exchanged, and revised during a period of negotiation. The contract documents may be customized and carefully negotiated or they may be forms that involve no negotiation at all. Contract negotiations typically involve humans, but automated negotiating "agents" are being developed that allow machines to negotiate and "agree" upon contract terms. Once the contract terms are finally agreed upon, representatives of the private companies or government agencies involved sign the contract documents to indicate their acceptance of and mutual agreement regarding the terms. Contract administrators or managers within the organization then see that the contract is performed.

In business-to-consumer exchanges, form contract documents ordinarily are prepared and presented by a business organization to a consumer for acceptance by the consumer. There is little, if any, negotiation of the form contract documents or of their terms. Once the consumer indicates acceptance of the contract terms, contract administrators or managers then see that the contact is performed.

In person-to-person exchanges, form contract documents are prepared and exchanged. There may be negotiation of the contract terms, and once the contract terms are finally agreed upon, the persons involved sign the contract documents to indicate their acceptance of and mutual agreement regarding the terms.

The organization and sequence of information in contract documents varies widely. Generally, information identifying the contracting parties appears at the beginning of the document. The contract terms, promises, and obligations of the parties appear in the middle of the document in clauses, paragraphs, or form fields. Finally, a date and the signatures of the parties appear at the end. Contract documents contain text structures that are substantially similar to text structures appearing in non-contractual documents, such as paragraphs, titles, quotations, lists, and similar text structures. A standard XML syntax for contract documents should include the core text structures and core semantic terms, such as "party" and "date," common to most contract documents.

Contract documents also frequently incorporate other separate documents by physical attachment or simply by a description of and reference to the separate document. Thus, a single electronic contract may actually consist of several separate electronic documents or files. A standard XML syntax for electronic contract documents should allow for incorporating other separate electronic documents or computer files by reference and/or incorporating such separate documents by other means.

3.3. Operating Environment.

XML contract documents will be used and exchanged primarily in web-based internet and intranet environments. A standard XML syntax for contract documents must be compatible for use with web applications software and components, such as web servers, web browsers, web services applications, and similar applications.

3.4. Design and Implementation Dependencies.

There are a family of standards applicable to XML technologies. These standards, issued as recommendations by the World Wide Web Consortium (the "W3C"), are referenced below. A standard XML syntax for electronic contract documents must conform fully to all applicable W3C XML-related recommendations.

XML contract documents also must be compatible with XML-compliant processing software and tools, such as XML parsers, XSLT processors, XML document editors, XML content management applications, and similar XML applications. Such tools and applications will be used to create and process XML contract documents.

4. Functional Requirements.

4.1. eContracts XML Syntax General Requirements.

A standard XML syntax for contract documents should satisfy the following general requirements:

  1. It must conform to applicable W3C XML-related recommendations;

  2. It should be easy for users to learn and use;

  3. It should be easy to use in XML document editing and processing applications;

  4. It should be readily extensible;

  5. It must allow for the markup of common contract text structures and common semantic contract terms in a manner that is integrated and coordinated;

  6. It should accommodate various XML semantic vocabularies or dialects used in different vertical business sectors;

  7. It should allow the content of XML contract documents to be rendered for reading by humans in multiple formats such that their appearance is substantially similar to electronic contract documents in formats such as RTF, PDF, or XHTML;

  8. It should provide a means to protect the integrity and confidentiality of the contents of an XML contract document and to authenticate the signers;

  9. It should provide sufficient document metadata for archiving, indexing, retrieving, and searching for XML contract documents;

  10. It should allow processing applications to reliably and automatically locate, link to, and re-use items of business data within an XML contract document for further processing without the need for human intervention; and

  11. It should support the interchange of information regarding contract documents and contract terms between various software systems, such as contract management, dispute resolution, or bookkeeping software systems.

4.2. eContracts XML Document Metadata Markup Requirements.

To facilitate efficient management of XML contract documents, a standard eContracts XML syntax should provide for markup of metadata about the document satisfying the following:

  1. To the extent practicable, metadata markup should be consistent with and interoperable with existing standard metadata sets for describing information resources;

  2. Document metadata markup should facilitate the discovery of contract documents and clauses as resources across domains;

  3. Document metadata markup should be easy for non-specialists as well as resource description specialists to use; and

  4. Document metadata markup should have commonly understood semantics.

4.3. eContracts XML Structural Markup Requirements.

Structures appearing in and common to contract documents, such as lists, tables, paragraphs, quotations, defined terms, titles, and similar text structures are substantially similar to text structures appearing in non-contractual documents. To promote the efficient creation and publication of XML contract documents, a standard XML syntax for contract documents should provide for structural markup satisfying the following:

  1. It must allow for the markup of core structures common to contract documents and other business and legal documents;

  2. It must represent the hierarchy of text structures such that the hierarchy can be rendered in a manner accurately conveying the meaning and structure of the text to readers;

  3. It must represent the sample "benchmark" contracts submitted to the TC as illustrative examples of contract documents;

  4. It should allow software applications to address and manipulate text structures as self-contained objects;

  5. It should be self-contained such that the marked up text structures alone are sufficient to constitute the contract tocument without requiring input or interpretation by other software;

  6. The element names used to describe text structures should be semantically neutral so as to avoid describing or referencing text structures in a manner substantially at variance with traditional descriptions or references used different jurisdictions. For instance, element names such as "article," "clause," "section," "chapter," and "part" should be avoided for text structures;

  7. It should allow contract terms to be marked up simply as text structures without conveying the business or legal semantic meaning so that the structural markup tags are not relevant or necessary to interpret the semantic significance of the text;

  8. It should be as simple as practicable;

  9. It should be recursive so that text structures can be re-used or moved without renaming them;

  10. It must allow other content to be incorporated by reference in the document; and

  11. It should provide for markup of the following text structures within XML contract documents:

    • numbering of text structures;

    • quotations, examples, explanatory notes, and changed contract terms;

    • tables and table cells that can contain other text structures;

    • images and equations;

    • footnotes and endnotes;

    • defined terms; and

    • internal cross references and citations to external files or documents.

  • Where are the requirements concerning general document structure, such as exhibits, riders, front matter, backmatter?

4.4. eContracts Core XML Semantic Markup Requirements.

Although semantic business vocabularies vary across different vertical business sectors, there appear to be a number of common core semantic contract terms that apply broadly to contracts in many different business contexts. To promote the efficient creation, management, and exchange of XML contract documents, a standard XML syntax for contract documents should provide for semantic markup of at least the following contract terms:

  1. Name and contact information describing the parties to the contract;

  2. Unconditional contractual obligations;

  3. Conditional obligations that arise as the outcome of the occurrence of one or more specific events;

  4. Information describing price or payment amounts;

  5. Information describing quantites and units;

  6. Information describing the scope of services;

  7. Information describing the scope of intellectual property licenses or rights;

  8. Information describing dates or time durations;

  9. Information describing exclusions, disclaimers, or limitations;

  10. Information describing notice or reporting requirements;

  11. Information regarding termination of the contract; and

  12. Information describing procedures for resolving contract disputes.

A. Committee Members (Non-Normative)

The following individuals were members of the OASIS LegalXML eContracts Technical Committee during the formulation of this document:

  • John Messing

  • Dr. Zoran Milosevic

  • Dave Marvit

  • Barry Hansen

  • Rolly Chambers

  • James Bryce Clark

  • Jason Harrop

  • Laurence Leff

  • John McClure

  • Peter Meyer

  • Daniel Greenwood

B. Notices

Copyright - The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards [OASIS] 2001, 2002, 2003. All Rights Reserved.

OASIS takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on OASIS's procedures with respect to rights in OASIS specifications can be found at the OASIS website. Copies of claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementors or users of this specification, can be obtained from the OASIS Executive Director.

OASIS invites any interested party to bring to its attention any copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary rights which may cover technology that may be required to implement this specification. Please address the information to the OASIS Executive Director.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the purpose of developing OASIS specifications, in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights document must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than English.

The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by OASIS or its successors or assigns.


OASIS has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in regard to some or all of the contents of this specification. For more information consult the online list of claimed rights.

C. Intellectual Property Rights

For information on whether any patents have been disclosed that may be essential to implementing this specification, and any offers of patent licensing terms, please refer to the Intellectual Property Rights section of the LegalXML eContracts TC web page ( http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=legalxml-econtracts )

D. Revision History

Revision 01 00 Oct 2003 rlc
First draft.



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