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Subject: FW: Use of Dublin Core in XML BIlls


Attached you'll find a document I created that outlines some possible uses for Dublin Core metadata for both reference description and for administrative description.
I might call in a few minutes late to the conference call this afternoon.
Talk to you soon!
Anne Washington
Librarian, Office of Legislative Information
CRS, Library of Congress
(202) 707-5520
Title: OASIS LegalXML Legislative Documents, Citations, and Messaging TC

 Last updated 2003, November 5
Created: 2003, October 30

Office of Legislative Information

Dublin Core Metadata

OASIS LegalXML Legislative Documents, Citations, and Messaging TC



DC - Dublin Core Reference Description Metadata



<meta name="DC.Coverage.placeName" content="United States"/>

<meta name="DC.Title" CONTENT="U.S. Congress. 108.H.R. 10">

<meta name="DC.Creator" CONTENT="U.S. House of Representatives">

<meta name="DC.Publisher" CONTENT="U.S. Government Printing Office">

<meta name="DC.Date.Creation" scheme="ISO 8601" content="1999-01-06"/>

<meta name="DC.Type" content="text"/>

<meta name="DC.Format" CONTENT="text/html">

<meta name="DC.Identifer" content="http://www.congress.gov/106/HR/10"/>

<meta name="DC.Description" content="A bill to enhance competition in the

financial services industry by providing a prudential framework for the

affiliation of banks, securities firms, and other financial service

providers, and for other purposes."/>

<meta name="DC.Language" content="eng-US"/>





AC - Administrative Component



<meta name="AC.Location" CONTENT="http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d106:hr10:">

<meta name="AC.Rights" content=" This information is a U.S. Government Publication. Works by the U. S. Government are not eligible for U. S. copyright protection. "/>

<meta name="AC.Database" CONTENT=" BillText Database">

<meta name="AC .Transmitter " CONTENT="U.S. Government Printing Office">

<meta name="AC.Filename" CONTENT="h10.ih.xml ">

<meta name="AC.technicalFormat" CONTENT=" XML">

<meta name="AC.characterSet" CONTENT=" UTF-8">

<meta name="AC.resultFile" CONTENT="hr10.html ">



DC - Dublin Core Reference Description Metadata

<meta name="DC.Coverage.placeName" content="United States"/>


I saw some use with a standard for geographic naming. The ISO 3166 contains codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions.
<meta name="DC.coverage.placeName" scheme="ISO3166-A3" content="GBR">

represents Great Britain.

<meta name="DC.Title" CONTENT="U.S. Congress. 108.H.R. 10">


May be able to use this in conjunction with the DC.Coverage to indicate jurisdiction?

<meta name="DC.Creator" CONTENT="U.S. House of Representatives">


<meta name="DC.Publisher" CONTENT="U.S. Government Printing Office">


The official publisher

<meta name="DC.Date.Creation" scheme="ISO 8601" content="1999-01-06"/>



<meta name="DC.Type" content="text"/>


<meta name="DC.Format" CONTENT="text/html">


<meta name="DC.Identifer" content="http://www.congress.gov/106/HR/10"/>


<meta name="DC.Description" content="A bill to enhance competition in the

financial services industry by providing a prudential framework for the

affiliation of banks, securities firms, and other financial service providers, and for other purposes."/>



Official Title

<meta name="DC.Language" content="eng-US"/>




AC - Administrative Components
Dublin Core DCMI Administrative Metadata

<meta name="AC.Location" CONTENT="http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d106:hr10:">


Name: location
Label: Metadata Location
Definition: reference to content metadata
Comment: This links to the Bill Summary and Status metadata for the bill.

<meta name="AC.Rights" content=" This information is a U.S. Government Publication. Works by the U. S. Government are not eligible for U. S. copyright protection. "/>

Name: rights
Label: Rights Ownership
Definition: rights management statement
Comment: Language is not final. Source for is Library of Congress Copyright Office  http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ1.html#piu

<meta name="AC.Database" CONTENT=" BillText Database">

Name: database
Label: Database
Definition: Identifies a database
Comment: We could use codes.

<meta name="AC .Transmitter " CONTENT="U.S. Government Printing Office">

Name: transmitter
Label: Transmitter
Definition:  organization with which formal routines of data exchange are established.
Comment: Possibly?? U.S Congress. House of Representatives. Office of the Clerk

<meta name="AC.Filename" CONTENT="h10.ih.xml ">

Name: filename
Label: Filename
Definition: Name of an individual batch file
Comment: File name sent by transmitter

<meta name="AC.technicalFormat" CONTENT=" XML">

Name: technicalFormat
Label: Technical format
Definition: data exchange format (i.e. ISO2709, XML, HTML)

<meta name="AC.characterSet" CONTENT=" UTF-8">

Name: characterSet
Label: Character set
Definition: Name of standard character set

<meta name="AC.resultFile" CONTENT="hr10.html ">

Name: resultFile
Label: Address of result file
Definition: Localization of result file

Comment: the filename the LC uses




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