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Subject: Re: [lexidma] Pull request 24

Hi Carole,

Thank you for your comments. I've gone through them and responded to each and every one. Here are two PDFs:

- carole-answers.pdf: Your comments plus my answers to them. Click on the comment bubbles, my answers begin with "[M]".

- carole-edited.pdf: I've made edits based on your feedback and this is the edited version. This is identical to pull request #26 which I've just submitted.

Note: Only a subset of the spec (= the part on which you commented) is included in these PDFs. The full spec is of course longer.

OK, that's one off my to-do list!


po 12. 12. 2022 vÂ11:30 odesÃlatel Carole Tiberius <Carole.Tiberius@ivdnt.org> napsal:

Dear all,


I have included my comments for the first 17 pages in the attached PDF. Rest will follow later this week.






Van: lexidma@lists.oasis-open.org <lexidma@lists.oasis-open.org> Namens Michal Mechura
Verzonden: zondag 11 december 2022 13:20
Aan: lexidma@lists.oasis-open.org
Onderwerp: [lexidma] Pull request 24


Hi all,

I have finished rewriting the prose of all the modules (except â for now â the etymology module). Here is a PDF version of that for easy reading.


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Attachment: carole-answers.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: carole-edited.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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