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Subject: Re: [lexidma] Friday's meeting: long or short?

I would very much welcome it if we could get the voting over with in no more than 30 minutes. I will need to go at 13:00. Maybe 13:15 if I stretch it. If this is unrealistic then I can (though don't want to) reorganize but I need to know now.


Ãt 5. 9. 2023 vÂ17:28 odesÃlatel MiloÅ JakubÃÄek <milos.jakubicek@sketchengine.eu> napsal:
I can only say that I will need to leave 13.30 CEST sharp because of a thesis defense at 2pm somewhere else in the city whereÂI'm in the committee, i.e. one hour after the meeting starts.
(I'm sorry this was not yet scheduled when we discussed this but I can't really change that)

Is it manageable within one hour, David?


Milos Jakubicek

CEO, Lexical Computing
Brno, CZ | Brighton, UK

On Tue, 5 Sept 2023 at 09:14, Michal MÄchura <462258@mail.muni.cz> wrote:
I've a logistical question regarding the meeting this Friday where we're supposed to vote on letting ourselves through to public reviews.

Is this meeting likely to be just a quick formality and last not longer than, say, half an hour? Or is there a reason to expect complications which might make the meeting go on for longer than half an hour?

My Friday plans depend on it. :-)

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