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Subject: Re: [lexidma] IDs

I had a long(ish) discussion around this with Michal today (erm, yesterday) and we agreed for a slightly different approach where instead of IDs we actually qualify the uniqueness of the relevant properties, leavingÂit largely up to the serializations how to handle that.
This -- as well as relevant descriptions for optional roots and fragment identification are now merged, as well as the UML diagram and plentyÂof small fixes (logos, build, typos, ...).

Hopefully the discussion tomorrow is not going to be very long ;-)


Milos Jakubicek

CEO, Lexical Computing
Brno, CZ | Brighton, UK

On Mon, 4 Sept 2023 at 15:39, Michal MÄchura <462258@mail.muni.cz> wrote:

These object types have IDs already (at the model level):

  • entry
  • sense
  • collocateMarker

The IDs are always optional. Their purpose is relation membership: to make it possible for objects of these types to be involved in relations.

Now that we have decided that we want other object types to have IDs too (for addressing if not for relation membership) I propose to add optional IDs to the following object types:

  • inflectedForm
  • definition
  • pronunciation
  • transcription
  • example
  • headwordTranslation
  • headwordExplanation
  • exampleTranslation
  • relation
  • etymology
  • etymon
  • etymonUnit


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