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Subject: Re: [lexidma] Collecting contacts and mailing lists for DMLex 1st public review

Also the following two are still active:

elexis-all@googlegroups.com (ELEXIS project)


enel-all@googlegroups.com (ENeL COST action)

In principle,Âcorpora@list.elra.info could be emailed too.

David, whoever is going to post should note that most of the lists are member-only, so posting from outside will best-case be moderated and worst-case ends up in some spam box of the moderator (not unlikely).
The right way is to subscribe and then post.


Milos Jakubicek

CEO, Lexical Computing
Brno, CZ | Brighton, UK

On Mon, 18 Sept 2023 at 20:46, Michal MÄchura <462258@mail.muni.cz> wrote:
I guess we should include all the -lex associations: Euralex, Asialex, Afrilex and so on. A good list is here:


po 18. 9. 2023 vÂ19:33 odesÃlatel Dr. David Filip <glorfindel@mail.muni.cz> napsal:
Dear TC members,

please note that our 1st public review should start this Thursday.
Please respond to this email with any official mailing or distribution lists or official contacts that you'd like to be included in the 1st public review notification.
In case you want to notify any individual experts or stakeholders, you will be able to do this starting this Thursday referenceing the official OASIS call for review.

Cheers dF

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