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Subject: Re: [lexidma] Progress of the 1st public review


I have received some unofficial comments to the public review. I have asked for them to be forwarded to the official comments list, but in one case this was not possible due to the IP concerns of the commenter.



On 04/10/2023 12:11, Dr. David Filip wrote:
Dear members,

I saw the TC members forwarding the public review information
to various stakeholders and I saw some informal feedback coming back.
However, to date we have received exactly *zero* official public review comments.

This is a freindly reminder that all comments by non-members MUST be received via the TC's official Comment List
Here is how you subscribe to it
I monitor the Comment List but all memebrs are invited to subscribe to the Comment List, so that they can monitor handling of external comments, get assigned to handle particular external comments, etc.

All TC members MUST comment via the TC working list lexidma@lists.oasis-open.org

TC Officers will acknowledge receipt of each comment and assign it a unique Github Issue number at the LEXIDMA Github repository.

In case you wonder, the channels are strictly regulated like this to make sure that any input comes with an appropriate license which is different for members and non-members.

The last caveat I want to bring to everyone's attention is that from the 1st public review on, we can only make changes to the spec based *only* on comments officially received through one of the above specified channels *during OASIS announced review periods*.
So in case you want to make any changes, you need to bring them up as comments before the end of this public review, i.e. by the end of 21st October 2023 UTC.

Cheers and thanks
dF - Secretary

John P. McCrae
(he/him; #startsWithAName John (rhymes with "gone") McCrae (rhymes with "hay") /dÊÉn mÃkÉeÉ/)
Assistant Professor - SFI Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Data Science Institute & Computer Science, University of Galway

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