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Subject: Akomo Ntoso Standard for Information Sharing

This Standard just got published and I felt this group could benefit from this model.


Akoma Ntoso (“linked hearts” in the Akan language of West Africa) provides a framework for the effective exchange of “machine readable” parliamentary, legislative and judiciary documents such as legislation, debate records, minutes, judgements, etc. In doing so, it helps build a strong foundation for "open access” to government information.


Part 1: XML Vocabulary presents the main motivations, design principles, and benefits of the Akoma Ntoso vocabulary and approach. The document is non-normative material that presents the main pillars of Akoma Ntoso to the stakeholders that need to take decisions about how to manage legal sources in a digital manner in a Semantic Web society.


Part 2: Specifications documents the Akoma Ntoso XSD and DTD standard, including the graphic representation using Oxygen library.







Amitabh Mukherjee | Program Manager

( (425) 722-4738 | * amitabh.mukherjee@microsoft.com



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