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Subject: WSS specification submitted for OASIS Standard

OASIS members:

The OASIS Web Services Security (WSS) TC has submitted the SAML Token 
Profile and REL Token Profile, two approved Committee Drafts, to be 
considered together as a single OASIS Standard titled "Additional Token 
Profiles for the WS-Security 2004 OASIS Standard". This is intended as a 
new OASIS Standard to be used alongside the previously approved WSS 2004 
OASIS Standard. The TC's submission is attached below.

In accordance with the OASIS Technical Committee Process, the 
specification has already gone through a 30 day public review period. 
OASIS members now have until the 15th of next month to familiarize 
themselves with the submission. OASIS members should give their input on 
this question to the voting representative of their organization.

By the 16th of the month I will send out a Call For Vote to the voting 
representatives of the OASIS member organizations, who will have until 
the end of the month to cast their ballots on whether this Committee 
Draft should be approved as an OASIS Standard.

The normative TC Process for approval of Committee Drafts as OASIS 
Standards is found at 

Any statements related to the IPR of this specification are posted at 


Karl F. Best
Vice President, OASIS
office  +1 978.667.5115 x206     mobile +1 978.761.1648
karl.best@oasis-open.org      http://www.oasis-open.org

1. A formal specification that is a valid member of its type, together 
with appropriate documentation for the specification, both of which must 
be written using approved OASIS templates;

The documents being submitted are in the document repository as follows:

SAML Token profile:

REL Token profile:

2. A clear English-language summary of the specification;

The two documents are token profiles of WS-Security that show how to use 
the core WS-Security 2004 specification in conjunction with SAML and 
rights expression languages (REL).

3. A statement regarding the relationship of this specification to 
similar work of other OASIS TCs or other standards developing organizations;

These documents are further profiles of WS-Security. They relate to the 
work of the OASIS WSS TC and also to the work of the OASIS Security 
Services TC (for SAML).

4. Certification by at least three OASIS member organizations that they 
are successfully using the specification consistently with the OASIS IPR 

For the SAML Token Profile
1.  Westbridge Technology
2. Sun Microsystems
3. Oracle
4. BEA
5. Microsoft: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/wss/200410/msg00026.html
6. IBM

For the REL Token Profile
1. ContentGuard
2. IBM
3. Microsoft http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/wss/200410/msg00025.html

5. An account of each of the comments/issues raised during the public 
review period, along with its resolution;

The public review was held 19 July - 29 August 2004 as announced at 
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/200407/msg00002.html No 
substantive comments were received during the public review period. 
Therefore, no actions were necessary.

6. An account of and results of the voting to approve the approve the 
specification as a Committee Draft;

The voting took place at the WSS TC telecon on 21st September 2004; the 
TC unanimously approved the two profiles as Committee Drafts. The 
minutes for that meeting are located at 

7. An account of or pointer to votes and comments received in any 
earlier attempts to standardize substantially the same specification, 
together with the originating TC's response to each comment;

This is the first attempt to standardize these documents

8. A pointer to the publicly visible comments archive for the 
originating TC;

The archive of comments received by the WSS TC is located at 

9. A statement from the chair of the TC certifying that all members of 
the TC have been provided with a copy of the OASIS IPR Policy; and 
Members have been provided with a pointer to the policy on multiple 

The co-chairs state that a reminder e-mail was sent on 11-Oct 2004 

10. Optionally, a pointer to any minority reports submitted by one or 
more TC members who did not vote in favor of approving the Committee 
Draft, or certification by the chair that no minority reports exist.

No minority reports have been received, and none are expected.

- Submitted by the OASIS WSS TC co-chairs, Kelvin Lawrence and Chris Kaler

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