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Subject: IDtrust Member Section Announces New Steering Committee Members and the Security Forum 2008
OASIS Members, The OASIS IDtrust Member Section (MS), http://www.oasis-idtrust.org/,
is pleased to announce the newly elected members of the IDtrust MS Steering
Committee. Jung Leung and John Bradley have been elected to serve two year
terms and Anil Saldhana of Red Hat has been elected to serve a one year term. June,
John and Anil will be joining Abbie Barbir of Nortel and John Sabo of CA, Inc. on
the Steering Committee. The IDtrust Steering Committee provides guidance to
help the Member Section achieve its goal of promoting greater understanding and
adoption of standards-based identity and trusted infrastructure technologies,
policies, and practices. Congratulations to the new Steering Committee members
and sincere gratitude to all the MS members that cast their vote in this election
process. OASIS would like to thank Ann Terwilliger of Visa, Inc.
and Arshad Noor for their devotion and service to the IDtrust Member Section
Steering Committee. Also, the IDtrust Steering Committee is happy to announce
sponsorship of the ‘Open Standards Forum 2008:
Security Challenges for the Information Society,’ http://events.oasis-open.org/home/forum/2008.
The IDtrust MS has sponsored similar events and they have been extremely
successful. We are currently soliciting presentations, http://events.oasis-open.org/home/forum/2008/call.
OASIS events are open to members and non-members, so please feel free to
distribute this information to colleagues. Hope to see you at the Ditton Manor
in the fall! Regards, Dee Schur OASIS - Member Support |
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