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Subject: OASIS 2009 Election schedule

OASIS Members,

The 2009 Board of Directors and Technical Advisory Board election schedule
has been posted to http://www.oasis-open.org/who/election_process.php 
You play an important role in this process, so please takes some time to
review the process and plan your participation.

OASIS is a unique organization in that its Board of Directors and Technical
Advisory Board are openly selected by the member organizations of OASIS.
This provides all members the opportunity to share in the leadership and to
know that the leadership is representative of the entire marketplace.  We
look forward to the selection of a Board of Directors and Technical Advisory
Board that continues to provide the unique leadership and market
representation that has made OASIS a global success.  We encourage all
member organizations to consider making a nomination(s) to ensure their
vision of our future is properly represented on the TAB and BoD. 

OASIS elections for the Board of Directors and Technical Advisory Board
occur concurrently to maximize the benefit of the time commitment made by
members to properly participate in the candidate review and selection
process. The process and candidate requirements differ slightly between the
BoD and TAB, so please carefully review the following 


The OASIS Board of Directors is comprised of top-level executives
experienced in managing growth and who are dedicated to advancing open
standards for interoperability. By serving on the OASIS Board, directors
exercise a major impact on the strategic direction of the consortium and on
development and implementation of XML-based standards and specifications.
Recognized for their contributions by both the technology and user
communities, the directors guide OASIS in its mission to drive the
development, convergence and adoption of open e-business standards.

The OASIS Board is comprised of 11 elected directors, serving two-year
terms. The terms are staggered annually to preserve management continuity.
This year 5 seats are eligible for election.  See
http://www.oasis-open.org/who/bod.php for details.

This year, the following Board of Directors' seats expire:

Peter Brown, Pensive S.A.

Mike DeNicola, Fujitsu Limited

Eduardo Gutentag, Sun Microsystems

Claus von Riegen, SAP AG

Michael Winters, IBM


The OASIS TAB serves a variety of roles for OASIS. The TAB identifies
opportunities and areas for standardization within the consortium that are
beneficial for the entire community. TAB members advise the OASIS Board of
Directors on the OASIS consortium's technical agenda and on interoperability
and alignment issues: they also encourage activities to address those

OASIS TAB members have the technical understanding to articulate
relationships between the wide range of current technologies and the
strategic vision to help map the future technical direction.

The TAB consists of 9 voting members, eight of whom are "at-large"
representatives elected by the OASIS membership for two year terms, with
staggered terms for consistency.  In addition 1 member represents staff. See

This year, the following TAB seats expire:

Martin Chapman, Oracle

William Cox, Cox Software Architects

Patrick Durusau, Individual member

Hal Lockhart, Oracle


Wednesday 1 April  - 
Nominations open for 5 Board of Director seats and 4 Technical Advisory
Board seats

Thursday 14 May -
Nominations close 23:45 hrs, 11:45pm US EDT (UTC -4). Nominated Candidates
MUST submit confirmation of acceptance.

Tuesday 19 May -
BoD & TAB Ballots open

Tuesday 23 June Ballot closes 23:45 hrs, 11:45pm US EDT (UTC -4)

Results announced as soon as available

Thursday 30, Friday 31 July
Board Meeting, Billerica, MA, new Board seated

Wednesday 29, Friday 31 July
TAB meeting, Billerica, MA, new TAB seated

Details of the schedule, nomination and voting process can be found at

As always, members are encouraged to contact me directly with any questions
about the nominations and election process.

Scott McGrath
Senior Director Member Services

+ 1 978 667-5115 ext 202
+ 1 978-667-5114 fax

PO Box 455
630 Boston Rd
Billerica, MA  01821 USA

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