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Subject: (energy-interop) comments on proposed charter
Comments on the Proposed Charter for OASIS Energy Interoperation TC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- These comments more or less follow the order of the charter's text. As such, substantive comments are mixed in with some nitpicking about wording. 1. Is any form of energy other than electricity to be within the scope of the TC? I notice that the word electricity does not appear anywhere in the charter, but all usages of the word "energy" in the charter seem to imply electricity. Would thermal energy or fuels be included in transactions? 2. In section 1b, paragraph 1, the last sentence seems to imply that 'alternative energies' are 'unreliable'. I think 'intermittant' would be a better word here. 3. Also in that paragraph, the statement of the problem could mention the coming integration of the transportation sector into the grid following the introduction of electric cars and plug-in hybrids. That change is expected to add different and potentially large load profiles from what the grid currently handles. 4. In section 1b, paragraph 3, it says "Energy storage, particularly in plug-in hybrid vehicles, ...". On the Smart Grid, energy storage will come in many forms, so I'm not sure why plug-in hybrid vehicles were singled out here. Perhaps change "particularly" to "for example"? 5. In section 1b, paragraph 9, I think it would be more accurate to say "The Technical Commitee will define the means of interaction", rather than "define the interaction". Users will define their own interactions using the tools the TC provides. 6. Also in that paragraph, I can understand why Smart Grid is capitalized, but why are the end nodes (Homes, Vehicles, etc.) capitalized? I almost expected to see a trademark symbol next to them. 7. Also in that paragraph, it says that the mechanisms will meet business needs, etc., but it doesn't say they will meet energy needs. Wouldn't meeting energy needs be the primary purpose of the mechanisms? It could say both. 8. In section 1c, paragraph 4, what purpose does the word "enterprise" serve in the first sentence? Consumers will be interacting, but they are not necessarily enterprises. 9. In section 1c, in the bullet list in paragraph 4, I would like to see added: * Support diversion to and extraction from energy storage systems. Emerging energy storage systems will facilitate the integration of intermittant energy sources into the Smart Grid, and I think the charter should mention that fact. 10. In section 1d, paragraph 2, the first usage of unfamiliar acronyms should be spelled out (UCAI, for example). 11. In section 1d, deliverable (4), the phrase "ISO Operator" is redundant. 12. In section 1d, are the specifications in items 2 through 4 to be standalone specs that will be released, or are they intended to be rolled up into item 5, which is the release vehicle for all the specifications? 13. In section 1d, the paragraph after the list of deliverables says "after the first deliverable", which isn't particularly clear when it appears after a list of five deliverables. Should that be "after the final deliverable"? 14. In section 1d, the second paragraph after the numbered list of deliverables needs clarification. The text after the semicolon is not a sentence, nor did it make much sense. 15. In section 1f, it seems energy producers that are not utilities were left out of the audience list. 16. In section 1f, the last audience bullet needs clarification. "Transmission" is not an audience, nor is "distribution". Bob Stayton Sagehill Enterprises bobs@sagehill.net
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