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Subject: Possible TC liaison for proposed PbD-SE TC
- From: Robin Cover <robin@oasis-open.org>
- To: OASIS Charter Discuss List <oasis-charter-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org>
- Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 11:30:17 -0500
With respect to the proposed PbD-SE TC [1], and proposal Section
"(2)(a) Identification of Similar or Applicable Work", the proposers
may wish to call out possible coordination/collabortion (or
TC liaison) with the IEEE P23026 Working Group, for which a new
chartered spec revision is to address "privacy concerns".
The IEEE Engineering and Management of Web Sites Working Group (WG)
recently announced a revision effort for "IEEE P23026 Standard for
Systems and software engineering -- Engineering and management of
websites for systems, software, and services information" [1].
"This revision of ISO/IEC 23026 will emphasize information security
and privacy concerns, with reference to applicable guidance and
standards that were not in existence when the [earlier]
ISO/IEC 23026/IEEE 2001:2002 standard originated. It will also
increase emphasis on the human factor concerns for making digital
information easily retrievable and usable for the intended audience.
It draws from newer standards on the design, development,
assessment and test of software user documentation to apply those
concepts to a wider scope of ICT information delivered through
P23026 continues to apply a systems engineering approach to website
strategy, design, and ongoing sustainment. It applies to those
using web technology to present information, communications and
technology (ICT) information, such as user documentation for
systems and software, life-cycle documentation for systems and
software engineering projects, and documentation of policies,
plans, and procedures for IT service management. It will provide
requirements for web site owners and web site providers, managers
responsible for establishing guidelines for Web site development
and operations, and for software developers and operations and
maintenance staff who may be external or internal to the web site
owner's organization..."
- Robin
** References
[1] "Proposed Charter for Privacy by Design Documentation for Software Engineers (PbD-SE) TC"
[2] Contact:
Annette Reilly, WG Chair
Robin Cover
OASIS, Director of Information Services
Editor, Cover Pages and XML Daily Newslink
Email: robin@oasis-open.org
Staff bio: http://www.oasis-open.org/people/staff/robin-cover
Cover Pages: http://xml.coverpages.org/
Newsletter: http://xml.coverpages.org/newsletterArchive.html
Tel: +1 972-296-1783
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