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Subject: Cloud Authorization (CouldAuthZ) TC - Appeal of TC formation


I regret to inform you that I am appealing the formation of the CloudAuthZ TC.

OASIS requires that responses to all comments on charters be posted before the call for participation is sent out for a TC.

I posted comments on the CloudAuthZ charter:

No pointers to resolution of those comments posted were before (or since) the call for participation:

The OASIS rule in question reads:

The proposer group may amend their submission at any time until the 28th day after the submission (except that changes to the roster of proposers may occur at any time until the final posting). By the 28th day the proposer group must post a pointer to an account of each of the comments / issues raised during that review, along with its resolution.

No later than the 30th day after the submission, if those pointers have been posted, and the last version of the submission from the proposer group meets the requirements of these rules, the OASIS TC Administrator must post them to the OASIS Membership with a Call For Participation and an announcement of a first meeting. Otherwise, the Convener may obtain a single 10-day extension for posting a compliant proposal with the OASIS TC Administrator.

Take note of:

By the 28th day the proposer group must post a pointer to an account of each of the comments / issues raised during that review, along with its resolution.

OASIS TC Administrator must post them to the OASIS Membership with a Call For Participation and an announcement of a first meeting.

"Them" clearly refers to the pointers and the revised charter.

See the last two paragraphs at: https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#formation.

Consider two comments (out of many) that might influence your decisions to join this TC:

1) Where are the major cloud players?

Where are Amazon, CISCO, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle? Aren't they interested in cloud computing?

(Not meaning to offend by omission but if the average CTO doesn't see names they recognize, the charter isn't DOA, but is on life support upon arrival.)

Or many of the sponsors you will find at: http://cloudcomputingexpo.com/

2) Are we making up terms no one else uses?

2) "cloud contextual attributes as close as possible to Policy Enforcement Points" means something to the drafters but what it should mean to prospective members isn't clear.

"cloud contextual attributes" - 2 "hits" - This charter and:

Cloud Computing: Standards Development for Security, Privacy and Trust by John Sabo, CA Technologies.
http://infosec-summit.issa-balt.org/assets/Presentations/2012%20Summit/2012_Summit-John_Sabo-Cloud_Computing___Policy_Management_and_Standardization.pdf (watch the line wrap)

2 "hits" doesn't qualify as common usage for appearance in a TC charter.

"contextual entitlement sets" - 2 "hits" - same 2 as "cloud contextual attributes"

Pointers to comments and their "resolution" could alert potential members of problems with a TC and/or its charter.

Hope everyone is having a great week!


PS: I am posting this because it would be unfair to innocent TC members have invested time and effort, not knowing that the TC was flawed at its inception.

PPS: The easiest course would be for everyone to skip the first meeting. The TC would lack "minimal membership" and therefore would die on its own.

TC Process, 2.3 First Meeting of a TC

At least Minimum Membership must become Voting Members at the first TC meeting or the TC shall be considered not to have been successfully started and shall be closed.

TC Process, 1 Definitions (s)
"Minimum Membership" means five Voting Members of a TC (or, in the case of a TC about to be formed, five Eligible Persons), at least two of which represent OASIS Organizational Members.
Patrick Durusau
Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB)
Former Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)

Another Word For It (blog): http://tm.durusau.net
Homepage: http://www.durusau.net
Twitter: patrickDurusau 

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