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Subject: RE: [oasis-member-discuss] OASIS namespace documents for URN namespaces

>Paul Fremantle wrote:
>You lost me here:
>Peter F Brown wrote:
>> you shouldn't find anything at the end of a URI that purports to be an
identifier except, well, 
> > something that helps identify the artefact being referenced.
> > An RDDL document is not an identifier - it is a resource descriptor;
>I'm not a great theoretician, but it seems to me that sticking RDDL+HTML 
>as the content dereferenced by an identifier URI is really useful. You 
>say its not the only thing that could be dereferenced. I agree - the 
>most common thing dereferenced from an identifier URI is a 404 Not Found 
>HTML :-)
>But seriously:
>1) Can you please give an example of something better or more 
>appropriate than a RDDL?

I would not want to characterize it as either "something better" or
"something more appropriate", but it's worth mentioning an XRDS (Extensible
Resource Descriptor Sequence) document, defined by the OASIS XRI TC. It's
specifically designed for lightweight service discovery, and in addition to
being the format used by XRI resolution, it's also the format used by Yadis
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yadis) and OpenID (www.openid.net). Details
are in the current Working Draft of XRI Resolution 2.0:



>2) Can you explain how I can get better information about the meaning of 
>a URN than I get from a well written HTML+RDDL document?

An XRDS document isn't going to give you "better information", just
additional information.

=Drummond (http://xri.net/=drummond.reed)   

>> ==================
>> From: Christopher B Ferris [mailto:chrisfer@us.ibm.com] 
>> Sent: 18 June 2007 16:03
>> To: Peter F Brown
>> Cc: oasis-member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org; robin.cover@oasis-open.org
>> Subject: RE: [oasis-member-discuss] OASIS namespace documents for URN
>> The OASIS TAB has published guidelines for namespace URIs (amongst other
subjects related to 
>> metadata) here: 
>> These guidelines include recommendation that namespace URIs be HTTP
scheme URIs and that there 
>> be a published RDDL document at the namespace URI location. URNs are
permitted for use, but HTTP 
>> scheme URIs are preferred/recommended since they can be resolved without
additional machinery. Note 
>> that OASIS hs no plans to implement such a resolution mechanism: 
>> An example of these guidelines in action can be found with the WS-RX TC's
WS-RM namespace URI: 
>>         http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-rx/wsrm/200702 
>> Frankly, I don't personally see any material benefit to use of a URN
scheme namespace. I suspect that 
>> some believe that by using a URN, they have created a 'permanent
identifier'. Well, frankly, there is no 
>> reason why an HTTP scheme URI cannot be 'permanent'. It isn't as if OASIS
is going to drop off the face of 
>> the earth anytime soon. 
>> Cheers, 
>> Christopher Ferris
>> STSM, Software Group Standards Strategy
>> email: chrisfer@us.ibm.com
>> blog: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/chrisferris
>> phone: +1 508 234 2986 
>> "Peter F Brown" <peter@pensive.eu> wrote on 06/18/2007 09:43:24 AM:
>>> Paul:
>>> I think the objective is laudable but I don't see the point of the
>>> "http://www.oasis-open.org/namespace?ns="; part of the statement. Surely,
>>> if some application wants to do something with the "pure" (and on its
>>> own non-deferenceable) urn, then surely it will ba equipped to make that
>>> call using http get or whatever.
>>> By effectively tying a namespace to a derefereceable network endpoint
>>> and to specific and prescribed dereferencing mechanism, is there not a
>>> danger that you:
>>> - either limit what can be legitimately found at the network endpoint to
>>> an RDDL file only, cutting out other possible uses of the namespace;
>>> - or creating false expectations and possible architectural problems
>>> when unpredictable results come from finding something other than a RDDL
>>> document at the end of the pipe.
>>> On the other hand, I'd be in favour of a mechanism by which RDDL
>>> documents, when available, can be accessed using a prescribed OASIS
>>> managed URL to which you would tack the namespace urn.
>>> Regards,
>>> Peter
>>> -------------
>>> Peter F Brown
>>> Chair, CEN eGovernment Focus Group
>>> Founder, Pensive.eu
>>> Co-Editor, OASIS SOA Reference Model
>>> Lecturer at XML Summer School
>>> ---
>>> Personal:
>>> +43 676 610 0250
>>> http://public.xdi.org/=Peter.Brown
>>> www.XMLbyStealth.net
>>> www.xmlsummerschool.com
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Paul Denning [mailto:pauld@mitre.org] 
>>> Sent: 30 May 2007 18:45
>>> To: oasis-member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org
>>> Subject: [oasis-member-discuss] OASIS namespace documents for URN
>>> namespaces
>>> Some OASIS TC's use an HTTP URI when they define an XML 
>>> Namespace.  Some TC's have started using RDDL as a namespace document 
>>> when these namespace URI's are dereferenced using HTTP GET.
>>> Other OASIS TC's use URN's to identify their XML Namespace.
>>> I suggest that OASIS provide a mechanism to resolve a namespace 
>>> document (RDDL or other) using HTTP and passing in the namespace URN 
>>> in a query parameter.
>>> For example,
>>> http://www.oasis-open.org/namespace?ns=urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:EDXL
>>> :DE:1.0
>>> would return a RDDL document associated with the EDXL-DE namespace.
>>> Paul
>Paul Fremantle
>Co-Founder and VP of Technical Sales, WSO2
>OASIS WS-RX TC Co-chair
>Office: +1 646 290 8050
>Cell: +44 798 447 4618
>blog: http://pzf.fremantle.org
>"Oxygenating the Web Service Platform", www.wso2.com

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