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Subject: RE: [obix] Initial Meeting of OASIS oBIX
Hi Toby, Unfortunately I'll be traveling to UK/South Africa tomorrow. If I get the right break in the layover I'll try and make the call. Otherwise, I'm still very interested in actively participating in the TC and any subcommittees the group might create at the meeting. You've probably got a good handle on my potential contributions to oBix - so just slot me in where you think best if I don't make the call. Cheers, Anno -----Original Message----- From: toby.considine@fac.unc.edu [mailto:toby.considine@fac.unc.edu] Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 6:43 PM To: obix@lists.oasis-open.org Cc: jamie.clark@oasis-open.org Subject: [obix] Initial Meeting of OASIS oBIX The first OASIS meeting of the oBIX (open Building Information Xchnage) will be a conference call on June 15 at 11:00 Eastern Daylight Time. NOTE: This is a one hour change form the original schedule which would have caused a hardship for the many committee members who are on Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). I apologize for the change; please let me know if this causes undue hardship on anyone. The call info is as follows: (877) 882-0542 or (706) 679-6844 Conference code: 651 497 4028 Of necessity, this meeting will cover many administrative issues; we plan to slog through them within an hour. Thanks to Trane and Paul Ehrlich for hosting the call. Proposed Agenda: 10 Minutes: oBIX Kick-Off and Explanation of OASIS Process (Jamie Clark, OASIS) 5 Minutes: Election of Chair (From the OASIS Guidelines: At the first meeting the TC must elect a chair as the first order of business. Once the chair is elected the role of convener ends.) 10 Minutes: Clarification of Scope, Purpose of oBIX 5 Minutes: Summary of Work to Date: Aaron Hansen 20 Minutes: Approaches and Participation: oBIX has already been under way for a year, so there is some culture already in place on the committee that must be relearned for OASIS. Experience has shown that not all members are ready to live in the nitty-gritty of XML, and that other perspectives are necessary to make oBIX be what it should. There is also a strongly felt concern that we provide useful recommendations to users of oBIX as to when and how to use oBIX. We want to get a strong perspective on use cases that Owners Operators, and Tenants would like to get from oBIX, to make sure we continually re-focus on delivering usable value with oBIX. We have also had some participation from several of the 50 different vertical controls markets identified as likely to be in a building. To this end, we want to consider the sub-committee structure for oBIX. These subcommittees would allow the more focused members to meet more often on areas of concern, while summarizing back to the overall committee less frequently. As a starting point, I propose: oBIX meets once a month. - The XML Standards sub-committee meets once a week.. This will be the most technical of the committees. - The Applications and Guidelines sub-committee will discuss when and when not to use oBIX for building controls projects. - Roadmap sub-committee As oBIX exposes controls to the enterprise, it grants the enterprise permission to interact with those control systems. This committee will focus on developing use cases and prioritizing development efforts by the other subcommittees. Other committees: - Special interest groups meetings (SIGs) for controls vertical industries to clarify the proper abstraction level for each vertical industry. - Interfaces to define relationships between oBIX and related facilities XML dialiects Of course, the actual subcommittee structure will be determined during open meetings, but something consistent with this structure is anticipated. 5 Minutes: discussion on expanding participation 5 Minutes: Summary and Action Items
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