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Subject: RE: [obix] Next Meeting of oBIX

Three facts are clear:
1) (1) & (2) have no support.
2) At the last meeting, which I skipped, and for which no minutes have yet appeared, it was agreed to go to every 4 weeks, and it was agreed the the Face to Face at Builconn Europe was the next meeting.  Tuesday the 26th at 6:30 Brussells time.  We likely will only have a handful of folks on site so the call is key.
3) Several feel a need for a quick meet next week.  I am proposing an open meeting of the Steering Team (meaning not a quorum meeting, but to check in before BuilConn) , usual time; any who want to sit in are welcome.
Open Issue to pool group: Do we want literal "every 4 weeks" or do we want the "Nth tuesday of every month?"
So stand down, no meeting today, quick check-in meeting of steering committee next Tuesday, 11:00 ET, usual call-in #, next meeting in in Brussells.

From: Considine, Toby (Facilities Technology Office)
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 4:31 PM
To: obix@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [obix] Next Meeting of oBIX

Sorry for being distant, I'm just coming out of a reoganization,  Under our pre-established schedule, we were going to meet bi-weekly though September, and then try to scale back,  I still think we should scale back, but tomorrow at 11:00 is the next time on the old schedule, albeit unscheduled.
Quick poll here
1) I never knew it ended in September, of course we're meeting tomorrow
2) Yikes, I have no subcommittee report ready, can we push it off until same time Friday
3) Lets just slide into a 3 week interval and meet at the usual time next week.

"If you can't stand solitude, perhaps others find you boring as well."
-- Mark Twain

Toby Considine
Facilities Technology Office
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
   Email: Toby.Considine@fac.unc.edu
Phone: (919)962-9073

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