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Subject: oBIX News, Odds & Ends, and new business

oBIX is in a stasis right now as we wait for implementations to catch up with the standard. We are still looking for two more *OASIS members* to vouch for having used oBIX, either as a producer or consumer, so we can move to a vote as an OASIS standard.


I was most gratified recently to be contacted by  3rd party integrator and told that the oBIX portion of a multi-vendor integration had been the quickest and easiest part to do. We seem to have hit a sweet spot.


One task that is long overdue is updating the web presence of oBIX. Clearly the main committee page at OASIS is long out of date. I welcome suggestions as to content to include. Please send ‘em in and I will begin getting them up-to-date.


On a new business front, now that we have an OASIS committee specification, we are eligible to create a member section of we want. An example of member section is http://www.uddi.org/. If there is interest, this would allow us to develop a whole range of information to help folks understand the standard. If you would be interested in contributing time or content to such an effort, please let me know.


I have been seeing interest from a lot of directions in the last few months. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is interested in whether oBIX points can align  with SensorML to appear in their mapping scenarios. Homeland Security and CAP (the Common Alerting Protocol) folks are interested in first responder access – perhaps this is the same as the OGC interest. The NBIMS efforts are keeping an eye toward whether controls come to the BIM, and whether the BIM can be used to operate a building through oBIX. Somewhere in that scenario lie automated and live commissioning, but it is too early to pull those threads together.


I sat in on the ONTOLOG meeting that OASIS informed us of last month. ONTOLOG is an “open, international, virtual community of practice devoted to advancing the field of ontological engineering and semantic technologies, and advocating their adoption into mainstream applications and international standards”. ONTOLOG  members feel that the intersection of their work and oBIX is the path to answering the questions above. I don’t know what it means, but “finding meaning in engineered systems” is a better meeting title than we usually have.  http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl/


Vista is out, although no one recognizes that the WS-Device Profile is in the base install yet.  Somewhere there is an interaction, but my vision is not acute enough to see it. It does suggest that there will be an XML “How to use this system” payload, similar what one can get from a traditional printer driver. I have no idea what that looks like, and would welcome any committee members who can suggest reading in that area.


We are due for a meeting soon, even in this quiet time for oBIX. I am loath to schedule one without more of an agenda. Please suggest any items of interest, and let me know if preferred meeting times have changed.  Last I recall is that afternoons (EST) T-F are best, but we can schedule more closely when we have an agenda. Committee Observers, I welcome your agenda items as well.






"We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men."   - George Orwell

Toby Considine
Facilities Technology Office
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC


Email: Toby.Considine@ unc.edu
Phone: (919)962-9073



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