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Subject: New oBIX Subcommittee for Reference Enterprise Specifications

During the last meeting, we voted to create a sub-committee to produce an expository document.  The product of this committee will be a reference Specification for Enterprise Interfaces for Building systems.. The goal of this document is to define the characteristics of the interface that must be provided by the Building System integrator.  The committee work will have a bias toward service exposure.


Several starting documents have been identified to get the committee’s work going:

1.     UNC’s RFP for and Enterprise Building Management System, now some years out of date

2.     The OASIS SOA Reference model.

3.     The BACnet Demand/Response object


The committee will consider interfaces to newly popular surfaces, including

1.     the Energy Plus performance model

2.     the buildingSmart BIM

3.     the OGC geo-tagging standard

4.     the Emergency Management (EM) two way signaling standards.

5.     Federated Identity Management

The subcommittee is not meant to specify deep interactions with these systems, but they are illustrative of the types of interactions to consider.


Bob Smith has agreed to chair the subcommittee. If you or your organization are interested in participating, please designate a participant and sign on. IP rules for the sub-committee will be the same as for oBIX.



"It is the theory that decides what can be observed."   - Albert Einstein

Toby Considine

Facilities Technology Office
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC


Email: Toby.Considine@ unc.edu
Phone: (919)962-9073

blog: www.NewDaedalus.com  



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