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Subject: Artifacts and the OASIS Process
Markus As discussed during last Thursday’s meeting, machine readable artifacts are an important part of the OASIS process. When a specification includes both prose and artifacts covering the same material, the artifacts are considered normative. This means that if the prose says “foo” and the artifact says “fie”, The specification is considered to specify “fie”. Typical artifacts are XSD and WSDL. I recently completed work on the Energy Interoperation specification which specifies interactions between an energy provider and an energy consumer. I am using this an example because it contains Prose, WSDL, and XSD. https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=energyinterop The prose specification can be found, in html, at http://docs.oasis-open.org/energyinterop/ei/v1.0/energyinterop-v1.0.html If you note, one of the first parts is the “Additional Artifacts” section Additional artifacts: You can use these as examples of what the finished artifacts for oBIX might look like. If you have examples that you would like to submit as the initial version for this work, please start by uploading them to the “Contributions” folder in the OASIS OBIX Document Repository. This grants the TC the right to use this submission as the basis for further work. I will prepare another note on contributions in a bit tc “It is the theory that decides what can be observed." -- Albert Einstein
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